Saturday, March 30, 2024

Change without abrupt or jarring effects appears to be the law of nature..

Change without abrupt or jarring effects appears to be the law of nature..
Just see
the qualities of water-ice combine near ice temperature we cannot say when ice or water transforms to the other state,
the triple point where ice, water, and steam all exist together, etc appear to underline this phenomenon of nature or God..
One Vasishta or Bharadwaja would have lived the brahmin life staying in a house of leaves or house of logs wearing dress made of barks of trees..
from there life evolved,
the dress code changed,
the food habits changed, gradually and unobtrusively..
today we may not see even an 80 year old mama(uncle) who is not used to wear trousers,
and everything upto poonal and inner garments have changed shape and content (we use even nylon poonal (holy thread) now)..
But when the change was subtle and not exactly switching over to something without letting go the earlier things completely and managing to integrate the past,present and future in some way, there was no problem..
Now sudden changes do occur and too soon..
So we are obsessively self- conscious..
I am a mad collector of old things and I was just going through a Reader's Digest Magazine published some fifty years ago..
The advertisement, the typesetting, the texture of paper, and each and every segment has undergone a sea change..
Still one could relate that RD with the RD for march 2019.
We talk about changing the alakum pidiyum of a knife...changing the blade and handle..
A knife has only a blade and a handle.. if these two are changed, there is another knife..
But if we change the handle today and change the blade say, after a few months, we will be having a feel that we have only made some repair to the knife and somehow the old knife is still there..
This is for the subtle change.

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