Monday, March 25, 2024

covid and penance

Every great or divine personage in the Hindu pantheon attained its exalted stage through penance and solitary life and severe austerity marked the peak of this penance. It was even recorded that natural forces and even gods got unsettled when the intense energy generated by such presence interfered with their supreme authority. The divine beings were forced to grant boons to those who performed penance.
And in other faiths,The Prophet, The Buddha The Mahavira, Jesus .. all got enlightenment as a result of solitary penance over long periods.
Now perhaps we are prescribed such penance en maasse.
Even Uma and Shankara did solitary penance to wed each other.. that is.. even..the supreme powers Shiva and Shakthi could unite only through penance..and the integral part of penance is a cut off from all others for some time.. a sort of quarantine.
Now it would seem that Kovid made us all tapsvins.
Maybe we would be blessed with boons at the consummation of this penance. Hopefully

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