Tuesday, March 05, 2024

musings 261

Personally my approach to life is almost like that of a recluse..
I cannot call it sannyasam..
But many people who are very active according to their own estimation are practically dead.. for others and perhaps for themselves too.
I was trying to show reverence to the position of a yati rather than the Individual occupying that seat
Except divine incarnations perhaps, usually people never rise to the levels of expectations and ordained duties attached to their posts, I mean positions and not social media posts..
The laws and regulations made by the society and the State usually aim at the ideal.. the ideally best..
But as dabblers in higher physics and chemistry we would have learnt that the ideal condition is never reached.. It is only a sort of benchmark recorded in infinity..
If we feel we are reaching the ideal, there can be fine tuning, and perhaps even the ideal may shift to the right or left

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