Monday, March 18, 2024

musings 266

When we read a beautiful piece of literary accomplishment , a sweet song, a captivating painting or for that matter discover anything that is beautiful, we almost start feeling that we have become one with the author or the artist and we shower accolades.
For a moment let us sit back and think," Can I write something like that..can I sing like that ?
If we are honest the answer will be a "no". At lest in most cases.
I have got intoxicated by many scripts and songs and wiith a lot of jealousy I have asked the queston to myself and invariably I found that the answer is "no".
God makes the ink of beauty gush forth from selected fingers, and even without the help of bees, stores honey in the lips He chooses.
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.and God shifts his residence to places where He has stored beauty.
Let us enjoy the beauty and love and praise the genuine sources and the Creator of the beauty too.
But it is silly to steal the words and art.
One can be a real artist or just can be an ordinary reader or a rasika.
Donkeys cannot become lions just by covering their face and torso with the skins of dead lions.
Their braying will betray them sooner than later

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