Wednesday, March 20, 2024

musings 268

When we have eyes limbs and mind all in place we do not understand their value. We do not value our parents,siblings, family friends colleagues acquaintances and associates when things are all going smooth.
We take things for granted.
Often we presume that we are paying for everything we receive, often we think we are giving more than what we get
But who can decide the price?
Is the price really reflected in some currency notes or bank balance?
From the first drops of life we suck from the breasts of our mothers to the silent march of the feet of friends who carry our dead body to the burial are we going to fix the price?
Everyone who did something nice for us are like gods for us.
Everyone who gave us trouble taught us,lessons in life.
How can we pay them back adequately.?
The truth looms large before us when we face situations where our existence is challenged..
when money or physical advantages cannot be of real help
when our lives are at stake.
Let us be grateful to all who are around us. Let us say "Thank you.."
Life is precious Life is priceless.. let us not attach price tag to services, price tag to love and care..
Let us remain grateful..grateful in unity.

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