Sunday, March 31, 2024

my lessons were learned the hardest way.

I learnt the hard way from life. and from my career.
To be honest and straighforward and interpreting law and facts objectively is a great challenge in the life of a taxman..
Others do not like it.
Every boss, colleague and subordinate too would like only sugarcoated words.. whether really useful or not in the long run..
I have worked with many nasty bossess, and many of them have been very cross and constantly abusive, but I would not budge..
Often, after the boss tells me all that he wants I would explain to him how I have acted and written in a way that would save me, him and the department too..
In almost all cases, I have been able to convince even the worst bosses and colleagues..
Of course, when I do not toe their line they do not like me.. And they will spare no oppotunity to humiliate me..
But then they knew, I was not selfish, and their safety was ensured by me, and except as a consequence of long distance transfers for the bosses, their promotions and such unavoidable circumstances, no boss had ever tried to change me from the seat under him..
His dislike if any would remain only for the first one or two days when I join him, because I would show no sign of submission..
Maybe he would be irritated by my quixotic ways and would show open dislike, but such dislike was very mild.
However, they would never leave me, though they would never love me too..
So my lessons were learned the hardest way..

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