Monday, March 25, 2024

Nature-read God- loves symmetry..

Nature-read God- loves symmetry..
He could have easily managed with repeated prototypes at random.
But He loves symmetry in any dimension. And a little asymmetry the stereo effect...
The world would have been a dreary place without
Shiva and shakthi
Ida and Pingala
Prakriti and Purushsa...
And of course
two eyes
two ears
two hands
two feet
so many twos
. He created poetry in His products.
Or His products were sheer poetry.
The word Kavi was used to name Him alone
And then lesser poets too usurped that title.
कविं कवीनां उपमश्रवस्तमम्
Kavim kaveenaam upamashravastamam
as the Vedic prayer goes...

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