Saturday, March 23, 2024

Trying times visit us to test our own substance.. our mettle

Trying times visit us to test our own substance.. our mettle
It is easy to be sweet, friendly, affable, genial, jovial, magnanimous, showy, hearty.. and so many bright things, when things are happening without hitches
But when things do not happen along the expected lines, and when there is some uncertainty staring on us
we tend to lose balance, we tend even to panic,
Our friendly sweetness vanishes,
and the real face tends to show..
( Yes, good qualities are usually cultivated, and not so good qualities grow like weeds)
For our own sakes and for the sake of all around us , we have to maintain balance and equanimity,
We should have concern for others, and that way we can save ourselves, and others too..
Let us be realistic,, Let us be bold.. Let us be tolerant.
It is not time for platitudes..
Krishna bless.

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