Saturday, April 20, 2024

उच्चैस्तरां मत्सरिणोऽपि लोकाः कुर्वन्ति संसत्सु पुरः प्रशंसां

उच्चैस्तरां मत्सरिणोऽपि लोकाः
कुर्वन्ति संसत्सु पुरः प्रशंसां।
न पण्डितैर्विश्वसितव्यमत्र
तत्सौहृदं यत् क्रियते परोक्षम्॥
महासुभाषितसङ्ग्रहे ६३५०
uccaistarāṁ matsariṇo'pi lokāḥ
kurvanti saṁsatsu puraḥ praśaṁsāṁ|
na paṇḍitairviśvasitavyamatra
tatsauhṛdaṁ yat kriyate parokṣam||
mahāsubhāṣitasaṅgrahe 6350
In public assemblies and open forums, even rivals and competitors, and even enemies, praise their counterparts or opponents in loud voices.. especially in the presence of huge audience
A learned and resourceful person should never be carried away by such praises. They should never place much belief or credence on such praises..
The real friendship and large hearted-ness lies is the praise given and help rendered to a person in secret and without much fanfare..
The genuine friends and well-wishers praise their loved ones at the appropriate places (not for public consumption) and ensure that help reaches where such help is really necessary..
We hear such empty diplomatic praises and assurances in great abundance in international forums, in Assemblies and legislatures..
( some call it respect for the opposition, sportsman spirit et al.)
We hear such empty praises in retirement parties and obituary references..
If we think that such praises and promises for help or service are sincere or genuine, we are lost for ever..
We will surely pay the price for believing such deceptions..
Now we find the atmosphere filled with such praises and promises..
Of course, the atmosphere is filled with false allegations..too..
( The subhashitam quoted comes from the Mahasubhashita Sangraham compiled by the great Scholar and Indologist Ludwik Steinback)
Have a nice day

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