Tuesday, April 09, 2024

नैनं च्छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं क दहति पावकः

yes, the destruction of physical body, or affliction of the body and mind through diseases or malignancies can present impediments in the progress of the human being..
But disease and death, destruction or deformity, all are temporary.. the life just goes on like someone changing dress or mode of transport,, and the journey goes on
Of course, we are often hazy about the course of action beyond what we could guess..
That does not mean the jouney has ended.
So let us move on
As long as life is there, there should be moving forward
And life never ends..
Life just changes directions
So we have to move on
No weapon can break it
No wind can uproot it
No deluge can drown it
No fire can inundate it
नैनं च्छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि
नैनं क दहति पावकः
नैनं क्नेदयन्लन्य्तापो
न शोषयति मारुतः
Just like the law of conservation of mass energy in physics
there is a law of conseravation of life in metaphysics.

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