Monday, April 01, 2024

even the slightest deviation from the path of righteousness would throw him out of the path of immortality..

कर्मणो दूराद्गन्धो वाति यथासिधारां कर्तेऽवहितमवक्रामे
यद्युवे युवे हवा विह्वयिष्यामि कर्तं
जुगुप्सेत् । 11
mahanarayanaopanishat Taittireeya Aranyakam (Yajniki Upanishad)

When a tree is bearing a lot of flowers, its fragrance would be wafted by the air and such fragrance would be carried to people who are placed at great distance from the tree. In the same way when one engages in meritorious actions, it fragrance or the meritorious effects arising out of such action would reach him even from long distances (or unexpected sources) ..
A person should be very careful in every action he engages himself into.. He should guard himself from hidden sins and actions represhensible to scripture.. It should be like this. If a sword with its cutting sharp edge is kept up across a pit or chasm across a deep pit on earth, and a person is walking across the sword with the feet directed at the sharp edge, the person would be afraid that he might fall down into the pit at every step. In the same way a man seeking immortality or emancipation should guard himself at each step he takes against hidden sinful activities.. He should be aware that even if he takes a single wrong step, he would fall into the pit, cut his feet. Similarly even the slightest deviation from the path of righteousness would throw him out of the path of immortality..

सुपुष्पितस्य which has given flowers in huge quantity
वृक्षस्य relating to a tree
गन्धः the fragrance
यथा in what way
दूरात् from great distance
वाति comes wafting
एवं in the same way
पुण्यस्य कर्मणः of meritorious deed
गन्धः fragrance दूरात् from great distance
वाति comes wafting
यथा वा even as
कर्ते(गर्ते) in a deep pit, deep chasm over the ground
अवहितां which laid across
असिधारां the sharp cutting edge of the sword
युवे I negotiate with my feet युवे I cross (carefully)with my feet इति thus thinking
यद् अवक्रामे ह कर्तं (गर्तं) that if do not take care during the walk across the pit
पतिष्यामि I would fall into the pit
इति thus
विह्वयिष्यामि I am afraid
एवं in the same way
अमृतात् in the path of immortality
आत्मानं self
जुगुप्सेत् one should guard himself from the path reprehensible to scriptures and from the path of hidden acts of sin.

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