Monday, April 15, 2024

identiy of the author of slokas

when I posted a few slokas traditionally used by many generations, a question as to the identiy of the author of those slokas was raised
I can reply to that only like this

They are traditional prayers.. referred to in many authentic texts of Dharmasastrams like that of Yajnavalkya, Apasthamba.. etc.. and find a place in Smrutimukthaphalam of Vaidyanatha Deekshita and many other major texts containing traditional instructions.
Many sages have used it..
The prayers have come down through the pens and lips of many sages..
We cannot assign authorship to anyone
While on this subject, let me say one thing..
Even Vedas would have been recorded by someone.. but Vedas have no author.
In our tradition we go by rishi, chandas, and devata,,, but never go in search of authors..
We believe great things are floating in the firmament, and are just discovered by rishis.
The question of authorship was considered in Sanskrit literature only much later, say in the period of Kavya, champu etc epoch..
Not in the traditional vedic and puranic literature.

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