Saturday, April 13, 2024

musings 281


lies are born out of all good and bad emotions... sometimes they are born from love, from devotion, from gratiude ... at other times . from anger, from hatred, from ignorance, or even from knowledge.... to monitor lies we have to be absolutely truthful, and usually we are not..
Our hormones and endocrines, our emotions and bones and muscles and brain all make us to tell lies, especially when we are too safe or when the chips are down..
But I am amused about only one class of people, those people for whom telling lies is worthless but would give the greatest pleasure in their lives...
Then there are foolish liers... It is said of an old Pichu mama. a story three quarters of a century ago.
He would purchase Vendakkai( vegetable ladies fingers) at two pies per pound (rathal) from the market and just to show off that he is clever, he will come home with the Vendakkai and tell his mami that he has purchased it for one pie per pound.. The clever mami would sell most of the vendakkai at one an half pies. per pound to her neighbour mami . Mama is happy, mami is happy but the lie is really loss-making..

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