Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Taste of anarchy should not whet the appetite of the mob

Taste of anarchy should not whet the appetite of the mob.
From burning an effigy they graduate to burning a bus and from there progress to burning houses or people and even looting and plunder.
First such acts of dissent are happening for a cause..may be justified to a limited extent
But then destruction and vandalism and even loot are perpetrated not for any cause other than cruelty sadism and for grabbing others property.
So dissent should know the limits.
And the present day exposure to instant publicity in visual media on a global dimension worsens the situation.
So we cannot exactly wax eloquent of demonstration of right to dissent ever in a destructive way.
There are two sides for every coin.
The assertion of the rights of one person should not leave another bruised and bullied.

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