Saturday, April 20, 2024

We are trying to understand the mind of God through interpretations, inferences and statements contained in spiritual lore

We are trying to understand the mind of God through interpretations, inferences and statements contained in spiritual lore..
Actually we are trying to restrict or limit the scope of Divine will through such process..
Accumulation and manifestation of water in the universe is immeasurably huge, but if we restrict the definition of water to a sea, river, pond or well, that indicates our limitation of vision..
Just like that God.. Krishna.. is ever present with and among us, and his manifestation in human form is only just by way of acting as a sort of Guru, illustrating to us what is expected of us by way of good behaviour which He approves of (perhaps) and what we should not do..
And in this connection the following prayer fascinated me and forced me to think a lot too.
ईश्वरो गुरुरात्मेति मूर्तिभेद विभागिने व्योमवत व्याप्तरूपाय दक्षिणामूर्तये नमः
easwaro gurur aatmethi moorthbheda vibhaaginey vyomavat vyaapta roopaaya dakshinaamoorthaye namaH
Lord Dashinaamoorthy, the supreme being and the supreme Guru is referred to as the one who has just split up that supreme form of His
into God,
Guru and
the aatmaa...
and he just remains spreading himself in the whole of the universe in any or all these forms..
Just like a person wearing Panchakacham(the formal dress for spiritual ceremonies in South India) for a pooja
and wearing trousers,
suit and tie while attending office or a formal function,
the supreme being just shows himself as God, Guru etc.
But behind the dress the person is one and the same..
So, in every Guru, there is Lord Dakshinaamoorthy..
the Guru who is very young,
and is sitting in the shade of a peepul tree,
and before him sits his disciples, all old wizened men..
The Guru and Shishyas are all talking in silence..
The Guru is giving lessons in Silence..
and all the doubts of the disciples are cleared..
चित्रं वट तरोः मूले वृद्ध शिष्याः गुरुः युवा
गुरोस्तु मौनं व्याख्यानं शिष्याः तु च्छिन्न संशयाः
Indeed Great.. and strange too..
The young Guru is seated underneath that peepul tree.
The aged disciples are sitting around Him
The Guru is just silent.. and he is imparting knowledge in silence..
And the doubts clouding the minds of the disciples are dispelled forthwith..

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