Wednesday, March 24, 2010

appearances are deceptive

मुखं पद्मदलाकारं वचश्चन्दन शीतला
हृदयं क्चरोधसंयुक्तं अतिविनयं धूर्तलक्षणम्

mukham padmadhalaakaaram vachanah chandanaseethalam
hrit kartari samam cha athivinayam doorthalakshanam

മുഖം പദ്മദളാകാരം വചനശ്ചന്ദനശിതളം
ഹൃത് കര്തരീസമം ച അതിവിനയം ദൂര്തതലക്ഷണം

the cheats usually exhibit a face which is as beautiful
as a lotus petal, their words would be as soothing and cooling as sandal paste itself, they will be showing so much of solicitude to you as if they are existing only for your welfare, but beware, their heart is set to cut you to pieces as though with the sharpest razor.

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