Wednesday, March 03, 2010

the true test of a real man

यथा चतुर्भिः कनकं परीक्ष्यते निघर्षणच्छेदनतापताडनैः।
तथा चतुर्भिःपुरुषः परीक्ष्यते श्रुतेन शीलेन कुलेन कर्मणा।।

chanakya neethi

yadha chathrubhi kanakam pareekshyathey nigharshana chechedhana tapa taadanaih

tadha chathurbhi purushah pareekshyathey shruthena, sheelena kulena karmana

യഥാചതുര്‍ഭി: കനകം പരീക്ഷ്യതേ നിഘര്‍ഷണച്ഛേദന താപതാഡനൈഃ
തഥാ ചതുര്‍ഭി: പുരുഷോ പരീക്ഷ്യതേ ശ്രുതേന ശീലേന കുലേന കര്‍മ്മണാ

the quality of gold is tested to perfection 
by pulling it to thin threads, 
breaking it, 
heating it and 
beating it with a hammer.

 In the same way the quality of a real man is evaluated after testing his education,
 his character, 
his antecedents, 
and his performance.
(the farsightedness of Chanakya... he must have drafted the performance appraisal proforma for managers about two thousand five hundred years ago.)

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