Tuesday, September 14, 2010

no fear when all around us are friends

no fear when all around us are friends
अभयं मित्राद् अभयं अमित्राद्
अभयं ज्ञाताद् अभयम् पुरो यः।
अभयं नक्तं अभयं दिवा नः
सर्व आशा मम मित्रं भवन्तु॥
अथर्वणवेदं १९--१५--
abhayaṁ mitrād abhayaṁ amitrād
abhayaṁ jñātād abhayam puro yaḥ|
abhayaṁ naktaṁ abhayaṁ divā naḥ
sarva āśā mama mitraṁ bhavantu||

atharvaṇavedaṁ 19--15--6
abhayam mitraad abhayam amitraad
abhyam jnaathaad abhayam puro yah
abhayam naktham abhayam dive nah
saravaa aasha mama mitram bhavanthu

(i am giving the plain english transliteration because the machine created transliteration sometimes show as garbage in some machines.)

Let there be no fear for us from our friends. 
Let there be no fear for us from those who are not our friends. 
Let there be no fear for us from what is known to us. 
Let there be no fear for us  the one who stands before us..
Let fearlessness envelop us all along days and nighths. 
Let us pray that all beings and phenomena around us become our dearest friends.

The fearlessness comes from the recognition that we have only friends all around and that friends  will ensure that we will remain fearless for ever.

Maybe a friendship day message from Atharavana Vedam.


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