Sunday, October 31, 2010

experiences worse than death

साध्स्त्रीवीणां दयितविरहे मानिनो मानभङ्गे
सल्लोकानामपि जनरवे निग्रहे पण्डितानां।
अन्योद्रेके कुटिलमनसां निर्गुणानां विदेशे
भृत्याभावे भवति मरणं किन्तु सम्भावितानां॥
sādhustrīṇāṁ dayitavirahe mānino mānabhaṅge
sallokānāmapi janarave nigrahe paṇḍitānāṁ|
anyodreke kuṭilamanasāṁ nirguṇānāṁ videśe
bhṛtyābhāve bhavati maraṇaṁ kintu sambhāvitānāṁ||
സാദ്ധ്വീസ്ത്രീണാം ദയിതവിരഹെ മാനിനോ മാനഭംഗേ
സല്ലോകാനാമപി ജനരവേ നിഗ്രഹെ പണ്ഡിതാനാം
അന്യോദ്രെകെ കുടിലമനസാം നിര്‍ഗുണാനാം വിദേശേ
ഭൃത്യ അഭാവേ ഭവതി മരണം കിന്തു സംഭാവിതാനാം

According to Bharthruhari it is    death or a condition worse than that when some people are confronted with pathetic  or unsavoury situations such as:-
For the chaste woman on separation from her dear husband
For a dignified and self-respecting person when his honour is challenged.
For noble persons when they are scandalized.
For the learned persons when they are openly defeated in  scholarly debates.
For the wicked fellows when they find others reaching high levels of fortune or welfare.
For the idiots with no knowledge and skill when they land up in foreign terrains.
For the rich persons who are used to pomp and pelf when they are deprived of the service of the menials and servants.


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