Sunday, January 16, 2011

The insufferable grief is ignorance.

यक्ष उवाच
किं मोहः प्रोच्यते राजन् कश्च मानः प्रकीर्तितः।
किमालस्यं च विज्ञेयं कश्च शोकः प्रकीर्तितः॥
युधिष्ठिर उवाच
मोहो हि धर्ममूढस्त्वं मानस्त्वात्माभिमानिता।
धर्मनिष्क्रियताऽऽलस्यं शोकस्त्वज्ञानमुच्यते॥
सर्गः २९७ श्लोकाः ७४-७५ महाभारते आरण्यकपर्वणि यक्षप्रश्ने
yakṣa uvāca
kiṁ mohaḥ procyate rājan kaśca mānaḥ prakīrtitaḥ|
kimālasyaṁ ca vijñeyaṁ kaśca śokaḥ prakīrtitaḥ||
yudhiṣṭhira uvāca
moho hi dharmamūḍhastvaṁ mānastvātmābhimānitā|
dharmaniṣkriyatā''alasyaṁ śokastvajñānamucyate||
sargaḥ 297 ślokāḥ 74-75 mahābhārate āraṇyakaparvaṇi yakṣapraśne

In the encounter between the god of death in the form of a Yaksha and his son the yudistira the king(the famous yaksha prasna episode of Sri Mahabharatham, )  the wise king answers to four queries of the yaksha  like this
the questions of yaksha  (1)  what is lack of knowledge?  (2) what is vainglorious attitude? (3) what is unpardonable laziness and (4) what is the real grief?
Yudishtira answers.  (1) Not knowing one's own duties is the worst ignorance. (2) Excessive consciousness of self- importance leads to vainglorious attitude  (3) Laziness of the worst form is inaction where one's duty is to act with diligence, (4)  The insufferable grief is ignorance.


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