Tuesday, March 22, 2011

even the stone will melt when it is honoured

निरत्ययं साम न दानवर्जितम् न भूरि दानं विरहय्य सत्क्रियां।
प्रवर्तते तस्य विशेषशालिनी गुनानुरोधेन विना न सत्क्रिया॥।
भारवेः किरातार्जुनीय महाकाव्यात् १---१२
niratyayaṁ sāma na dānavarjitam na bhūri dānaṁ virahayya satkriyāṁ|
pravartate tasya viśeṣaśālinī gunānurodhena vinā na satkriyā|||
bhāraveḥ kirātārjunīya mahākāvyāt 1---12

To retain the goodwill of the people around him the clever king Duryodhana was applying the two very effective modes of befriending... unlimited praise and friendly accommodation of ideas which were accompanied by generous gifts. 

 But the honours and gifts were handed out by the astute ruler taking into account the good qualities and the eminent eligibility of the recipient of such honours. 

" His habitual and friendly treatment of the near and dear was not without generous gifts and honours and the honours were bestowed by him on the appropriate and deserving recepients."

Mere verbal praise of people, however sweet and flattering it is will not attract the people to a person for long. 

People rally around a person basically expecting material benefits 
This desire was usually satisfied by generous gifts. 
 And people in general are vain. 
They want recognition and praise and hierarchical honours. 

In the present day context such cravings of the people are satisfied by awards and decorations by the state and prestigious organisations. 

 The most important message conveyed by the philosopher poet is that adulations and honours should go only to people who are eminently eligible for such exalted treatment. 
 A state honour should never be bestowed on an undeserving individual.

The history of awards and honours these days have a different background. Personal, political and selfish considerations gain the upper stage.
 The tragedy is that the deserving persons with little clout miss the bus in the process. The hollow nature of misplaced honours are exposed with their ugly face exposed by history in posterity.


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