Monday, November 28, 2011

Further thoughts on bath

Further thoughts on bath

उदयात् प्राक् चतस्रस्तु नाडिका अरुणोदयः
तत्रस्नानं प्रशस्तम् स्यात् स हि पुण्यतमः स्मृतःI
udayaat praak chatasrastu naaDikaa aruNodayaH
tatrasnaanaM prashastam syaat sa hi puNyatamaH smR^itaH

The period within four naazhika (96 minutes) before the sunrise is the period of Arunodaya.  The most appropriate time for bath  is  time of raise of Aruna.  This time  is praised by sastraas as endowing the performers with great vitue

आपो नारा इति प्रोक्ताः ता यदस्यायनं पुनः
तस्मान्नारायणं देवं स्नानकाले स्मरेत् बुधः॥
वायुभूतास्तु गच्छन्ति तृषार्त्तास्सलिलार्त्थिनः
निराशा ते निवर्त्तन्ते वस्त्रनिष्पीडने कृते॥
शिरो वारि शरीराम्बु वस्त्रतोयं यथा क्रमात्
पिबन्ति देवा मुनयो पितरो ब्राह्मणस्य तु॥
सुरा बिन्दुसमं चाम्भः शिखायाः पृष्ठपातितं
तदेव पुरतोवर्त्ति गङ्गा बिन्दुसमं भवेत्॥

aapo naraa iti proktaaH taa yadasyaayanaM punaH
tasmaannaaraayaNaM devaM snaanakaale smaret budhaH..
vaayubhuutaastu gachchhanti tR^iSaarttaassalilaartthinaH
niraashaa te nivarttante vastraniSpiiDane kR^ite..
shiro vaari shariiraambu vastratoyaM yathaa kramaat
pibanti devaa munayo pitaro braahmaNasya tu ..
sura bindusamam chaambhaH shikhaayaaH pR^iSThapaatitaM
tadeva puratovartti ga~Ngaa bindusamaM bhavet..

Waters are also known by the name Naaraas… and the Lord of Lords Mahavishnu assumed the name of Narayana because he is sleeping over his aadisesha bed floating in the waters.  Therefore the benevolent  God Narayana should be remembered with reverence by the wise people while they are engaged in bath.
When a Brahmin sets out  towards a source of water for bath, the gods,the sages and pithrus who are thirsty also follow him in the air.  If the Brahmin just dries up his body with a cloth without offering the waters to the pithrus and devas, they turn away from him in disappointment. (It has to be remembered that one should not take bath without at least minimum clothes, and one should not enter a source of water with naked body and he should not urinate in water during bath) .  The water from the head of the Brahmin is partaken by the devaas, the water flowing from the body of the brahmin is drunk by the sages  and the departed elders (pitrus)  quench their thirst from the waters flowing from the clothes of the Brahmin. ( Remember in  pitrukaaryaas, we offer vaasodakam – offer water from cloth to them)
The water from the Shikha after bath, if allowed to flow down keeping the hair in the back takes the shape of alcohol or sura. If the sikhodakam is allowed to flow keeping the sikha to the front, that water is like the theertham of Ganga.. It means we should allow water to drip from our Sikha keepin the sikha to the front and keeping the head bowed to the front and not arrogantly keeping the head erect and the hair being allowed to fall back.


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