Friday, May 11, 2012

Sree Raghavaashtakam

Sree Raghavaashtakam
राम राम नमोऽस्तु ते जय रामभद्र नमोऽस्तु ते
रामचन्द्र नमोऽस्तु ते जय राघवाय नमोऽस्तु ते।
देवदेव नमोऽस्तु ते जय देवराज नमोऽस्तु ते
वासुदेव नमोऽस्तु ते जय वीरराज नमोऽस्तु ते॥१॥
राघवं करुणाकरं मुनिसेवितं सुरवन्दितं
जानकीवदनारविन्ददिवाकरं गुणभाजनं।
वालिसूनुभृदीक्षणम् हनुमत्प्रियं कमलेक्षणं
यातुधानभयङ्करं प्रणमामि राघव कुञ्जरं॥२
रावणानुजपालनं रघुपुंगवं मम दैवतं।
सूर्यवंशविवर्द्धनं प्रणमामि राघवकुञ्जरं॥३।
शातकुम्भमयूरनेत्रविभूषणेन विभूषितं।
भानुवंशविवर्द्धनं प्रणमामि राघवकुञ्जरं॥४॥
दण्डकाख्यवने रतं सुरसिद्धयोगिगणाश्रयं
शिष्ठपालनतत्परं धृतिशालिवालिकृतस्तुतिं।
कुंभकर्ण्णभुजाभुजंगविकर्त्तने सुविशारदं
लक्ष्मणानुजवत्सलं प्रणमामि राघवकुञ्जरं॥५॥
श्रीधरं मिथिलात्मजाकुचकुङ्कुमारुणवक्षसं।
देवदेवमशेषभूतमनोहरं जगतां पतिं
दासभूतजनावनं प्रणमामि राघवकुञ्जरं॥६॥
वेदपारगतैरहर्न्निशमादरेण सुपूजितं।
पैतृकोदितपालकं प्रणमामि राघवकुजरं॥७॥
रावणान्तकमच्युतं हरियूथकोटिसमावृतं।
नीरजाननमंबुजांघ्रियुगं हरिं भुवनाश्रयं
देवकार्यविचक्षनं प्रणमामि राघवकुञ्जरं॥८॥
कौशिकेन सुशिक्षितास्त्रकलापमायतलोचनं
वासवादिसुरारिरावणशासनं च परां गतिं
नीलमेघनिभाकृतिं प्रणमामि राघवकुञ्जरं॥९॥
भक्तिमुक्तिफलप्रदं धनधान्यपुत्रविवर्द्धनं।
रामचन्द्रकृपाकटाक्षदमादरेण सदा पठेत्
रामचन्द्रपदाम्बुजद्वयसन्ततार्पित मानसः॥१०
निगमसरसिरत्नं नित्यमासक्तरत्नं
निखिलसुकृतिरत्नं जानकीरूपरत्नं।
भुवनवलयरत्नं भूभृतामेकरत्नं
प्रकृतिसुलभरत्नं मैथिलीप्राणरत्नं॥११
॥इति श्री राघवाष्टकं॥

rāma rāma namo'stu te jaya rāmabhadra namo'stu te
rāmacandra namo'stu te jaya rāghavāya namo'stu te|
devadeva namo'stu te jaya devarāja namo'stu te
vāsudeva namo'stu te jaya vīrarāja namo'stu te||1||
rāghavaṁ karuṇākaraṁ munisevitaṁ suravanditaṁg
jānakīvadanāravindadivākaraṁ guṇabhājanaṁ|
vālisūnubhṛdīkṣaṇam hanumatpriyaṁ kamalekṣaṇaṁ
yātudhānabhayaṅkaraṁ praṇamāmi rāghava kuñjaraṁ||2
rāvaṇānujapālanaṁ raghupuṁgavaṁ mama daivataṁ|
sūryavaṁśavivarddhanaṁ praṇamāmi rāghavakuñjaraṁ||3|
śātakumbhamayūranetravibhūṣaṇena vibhūṣitaṁ|
bhānuvaṁśavivarddhanaṁ praṇamāmi rāghavakuñjaraṁ||4||
daṇḍakākhyavane rataṁ surasiddhayogigaṇāśrayaṁ
śiṣṭhapālanatatparaṁ dhṛtiśālivālikṛtastutiṁ|
kuṁbhakarṇṇabhujābhujaṁgavikarttane suviśāradaṁ
lakṣmaṇānujavatsalaṁ praṇamāmi rāghavakuñjaraṁ||5||
śrīdharaṁ mithilātmajākucakuṅkumāruṇavakṣasaṁ|
devadevamaśeṣabhūtamanoharaṁ jagatāṁ patiṁ
dāsabhūtajanāvanaṁ praṇamāmi rāghavakuñjaraṁ||6||
vedapāragatairaharnniśamādareṇa supūjitaṁ|
paitṛkoditapālakaṁ praṇamāmi rāghavakujaraṁ||7||
rāvaṇāntakamacyutaṁ hariyūthakoṭisamāvṛtaṁ|
nīrajānanamaṁbujāṁghriyugaṁ hariṁ bhuvanāśrayaṁ
devakāryavicakṣanaṁ praṇamāmi rāghavakuñjaraṁ||8||
kauśikena suśikṣitāstrakalāpamāyatalocanaṁ
vāsavādisurārirāvaṇaśāsanaṁ ca parāṁ gatiṁ
nīlameghanibhākṛtiṁ praṇamāmi rāghavakuñjaraṁ||9||
bhaktimuktiphalapradaṁ dhanadhānyaputravivarddhanaṁ|
rāmacandrakṛpākaṭākṣadamādareṇa sadā paṭhet
rāmacandrapadāmbujadvayasantatārpita mānasaḥ||10
nigamasarasiratnaṁ nityamāsaktaratnaṁ
nikhilasukṛtiratnaṁ jānakīrūparatnaṁ|
bhuvanavalayaratnaṁ bhūbhṛtāmekaratnaṁ
prakṛtisulabharatnaṁ maithilīprāṇaratnaṁ||11
||iti śrī rāghavāṣṭakaṁ||

My pranams to you Rama,
 my pranams to Rama who bestows welfare on us, 
 my pranams to Rama who shines like the moon, 
my pranams to Rama the scion of the Raghu clan,
 my pranams to Rama who is the God of Gods,
 my pranams to Rama who is the king of gods, 
my pranams to 
Rama who also incarnated as the son of Vasudeva, 
my pranams to Rama who is the most valourous King. 1

I offer pranaams to the elephant that is Rama, 
born in the clan of Raghu, 
Rama who is full of compassion, 
Rama who is served by great saints,
 Rama who is respected by the gods, 
Rama who is  Sun,the Lord of the day who  makes the lotus  that is the face of Janaki the Seetha bloom to fullness at his sight, 
Rama who is the repository and treasurehouse  of all fine qualities,
 Rama who has a compassionate and loving look for Angada, 
the son of Vali, 
Rama who is the darling of Hanuman,
 Rama whose face is like lotus, 
Rama who is a terror to the demons,, 2

I offer pranams to the elephant that is Rama,
 the source of all  wealth for his devotees,
  who shines like a blue pearl adorning the breast of the princess of Mithila the Sita, 
 Rama who has given refuge to Vibheeshana. the younger brother of Ravana,
 Rama who is my own God,
Rama is who stands as the first among the princes born in the lineage of the Raghus,
 Rama who happens to be  the sun who brings in the rapturous  blossoming of the lotus that is the face of the daughter of mother earth, Seetha, 
Rama who had brought in great fame to the Solar clan 3

I offer pranams to the elephant that is Rama, 
who wears golden ear ornaments that makes the areas of his face and neck shine forth, 
Rama who is very thorough in destroying his enemies, 
 Rama who is adorned with ornaments like Shaathakumba and Mayuranetra, 
Rama who wears beautiful shields to cover his arms and chest area, 

Rama, who wears ornamental Garlands and the Kaustubha gem as the earstud,
 Rama who is the source of fame for the race of Bhanu, 
the sun. 4

I offer pranams to the elephant who is Rama, 
who stayed happily in the forest called Dandaka, 
Rama who is the refuge for the groups of gods, siddhas, and yogins, 
Rama who is always keen to protect the virtuous people,
 Rama who was finally approached in prayer  by the dexterous and valiant Vali,
 Rama who is the expert who shattered the arms of Kumbakarna who was  having  arms that resembled big serpents, 
Rama who has the greatest  affection for the brother of Lakshmana his younger brother (  Shaturgna is the younger brother of Lakshmana).5

I offer pranams to the elephant who is Rama, 
who shines with fragrant garlands of divine flowers like kethaki, karaveera, jaati etc.,
Rama who wears the goddess of wealth in his bosom, 
Rama whose blue hued bosom is turned red because of its embrace with the breast of the daughter of Mithila, Sita  whose breasts are smeared with kumkuma, 
 Rama who is the god of gods,
 Rama who is the most attractive of all the living beings on earth, 
 Rama who is the master of the whole universe,
 Rama who protects all who have rallied around him as his servants,6

I offer pranams to the elephant who is Rama, 
who is always worshiped with great respect and devotion day and night by the brahmins who are engaged in sacrifices or yajnas,
 gift ceremonies,
in observing  samadhi,
 in oblations to fire, 
chanting the divine names 
and such activities 
and who are highly learned in Vedas, 
Rama who boldly slew the demoness Thataka, 
 Rama who defeated and killed Vali the father of Angada,
 Rama who is keen on guarding his worthy heritage of the solar dynasty  7

I offer pranams to the elephant who is Rama,
 who destroyed an army of fourteen thousand  rakshasas led by Khara and Dooshana as if in a mere sport, 
 Rama the lord without any fall and  who became the god of death for Ravana, 
 Rama who is surrounded by crores of monkeys and their leaders, 
 Rama who is seated on a lotus and whose feet resemble twin lotuses, 
Rama who is Hari, the destroyer of woes of the world, 
Rama who is the sole refuge for the whole world, 
Rama who is acting dexterously for the benefit of the Gods,,8

I offer pranams to the elephant who is Rama, 
who was given extensive training in archery by the great Kausika the Viswamitra,
 Rama who has wide eyes, 
Rama who has an enchanting smile,
 Rama who is the relative to all who are poor and  destitute  Rama who pervades the whole universe by his presence, 
 Rama who is the slayer of Ravana who was the enemy of the devas headed by Vasava the Indra, 
 Rama who is the Parabhrahma and the ultimate goal of all Yogins, 
Rama who is resembling in his shape a dark blue cloud. 9

This Raghavashtaka will bestow on all of us all  that wedesired  and will lead us to the abode of Achyuta, the Vaikunta,
 it will provide us with  all  comforts that we can enjoy in this life and in the other world,
 it will enrich and  enhance our possession of progeny, grains, wealth,

 when this stotra is recited with a sankalpa to get the compassionate vision of Rama and the mind ever residing dedicated to the lotus feet of Ramachandra. 10

Rama is the precious gem lying in the deep recesser of the oceans that are the  Vedas,
 Rama is the precious gem for all who love him eternally, 
 Rama is the gem attainable by the fortunate ones who always tread the path of righteousness,
 Rama is in possession of the  precious gem in the shape Janaki, the seetha, 

 Rama is the precious gem that encompasses the universe as a hallow, 
Rama is the unique gem amongst all the rulers of the earth, past present or future.

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