Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sri Ramasahasranamam

Sri Ramasahasranamam

Free translation by  Ananthanarayanan Vaidyanathan
श्रीरामो रामभद्रश्च रामचन्द्रश्च शाश्वतः।
राजीवलोचनः श्रीमान्‌ राजेन्द्रो रघुपुङ्गवः॥ १॥
जानकीवल्लभो जैत्रो जितामित्रो जनार्दनः।
विश्वामित्रप्रियो दान्तः शत्रुजिच्छत्रुतापनः॥ २॥
वालिप्रमथनो वाग्मी सत्यवाक्‌ सत्यविक्रमः।
सत्यव्रतो व्रतधरः सदा हनुमदाश्रितः॥ ३॥
कौसलेयः खरध्वंसी विराधवधपण्डितः।
विभीषणपरित्राता हरकोदण्डखण्डनः॥ ४॥
सप्ततालप्रभेत्ता च दशग्रीवशिरोहरः।
जामदग्न्यमहादर्पदलनस्ताटकान्तकः॥ ५॥
वेदान्तसारो वेदात्मा भवरोगस्य भेषजम्‌।
दूषणत्रिशिरो हन्ता त्रिमूर्तिस्त्रिगुणात्मकः॥ ६॥
त्रिविक्रमस्त्रिलोकात्मा पुण्यचारित्रकीर्तनः।
त्रिलोकरक्षको धन्वी दण्डकारण्यपावनः॥ ७॥
अहल्याशापशमनः पितृभक्तो वरप्रदः।
जितेन्द्रियो जितक्रोधो जितामित्रो जगद्गुरुः॥ ८॥
ऋक्षवानरसंघाती चित्रकूटसमाश्रयः।
जयन्तत्राणवरदः सुमित्रापुत्रसेवितः॥ ९॥
सर्वदेवादिदेवश्च मृतवानरजीवनः।
मायामारीचहन्ता च महादेवो महाभुजः॥ १०॥
śrīrāmo rāmabhadraśca rāmacandraśca śāśvataḥ |
rājīvalocanaḥ śrīmān rājendro raghupuṅgavaḥ || 1||
jānakīvallabho jaitro jitāmitro janārdanaḥ |
viśvāmitrapriyo dāntaḥ śatrujicchatrutāpanaḥ || 2||
vālipramathano vāgmī satyavāk satyavikramaḥ |
satyavrato vratadharaḥ sadā hanumadāśritaḥ || 3||
kausaleyaḥ kharadhvaṁsī virādhavadhapaṇḍitaḥ |
vibhīṣaṇaparitrātā harakodaṇḍakhaṇḍanaḥ || 4||
saptatālaprabhettā ca daśagrīvaśiroharaḥ |
jāmadagnyamahādarpadalanastāṭakāntakaḥ || 5||
vedāntasāro vedātmā bhavarogasya bheṣajam |j
dūṣaṇatriśiro hantā trimūrtistriguṇātmakaḥ || 6||
trivikramastrilokātmā puṇyacāritrakīrtanaḥ |
trilokarakṣako dhanvī daṇḍakāraṇyapāvanaḥ || 7||
ahalyāśāpaśamanaḥ pitṛbhakto varapradaḥ |
jitendriyo jitakrodho jitāmitro jagadguruḥ || 8||
ṛkṣavānarasaṁghātī citrakūṭasamāśrayaḥ |
jayantatrāṇavaradaḥ sumitrāputrasevitaḥ || 9||
sarvadevādidevaśca mṛtavānarajīvanaḥ |
māyāmārīcahantā ca mahādevo mahābhujaḥ || 10||

Sri Rama, Sri Rama who gives welface to all, Sri Rama of the beauty and quality of moon, the one who is eternal and without destruction, the one with eyes resembling lotus, possessor or great wealth and also the consort of Shree, equal to Indra among Kings, foremost among the dynasty of Raghus, the affectionate husband of the daughter of Janaka, the person with victory as a regular  habit and having many victories to his credit, who has vanquished all who are not friendly to him, one who is eager to help people, who is the darling of sage Vishwaamitra , who is very generous in giving bounties, who has established victory over enemies and who is the scorcher of the enemies.. who is the vanquisher of Vaali, who is a great orator, who stands for truth, who uses his valour to establish truth, who has taken is as a vow to establish truth, who is undergoing austerities,  and who is always served by Hanuman. He is the son of Kausalya, He is the annihilator of Khara, he meticulously brought to end the Viraadha, he is the protector of Vibhiishana, he shattered the bow which was once possessed by Shiva, he felled and shattered seven Palmyra trees arrayed not in a row, with a single arrow. He destroyed all the ten heads of Ravana (the ten headed Rakshasa) .
. He relieved Parasurama the son of Jamadagni of his extreme arrogance. He became the deathgod for the demoness Tadaka. He is the quintessence in human form of all that is contained in vedanata. He is the soul of all Vedas. He is the ultimate medicine for the diseases in the form of worldly woes and desires. He is the killer of Dooshana and Trishiras. He is the manifestation of Trimurti.. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He is the embodiment and controller of the three gunas sattwa, rajas and tamas. He is the lord Trivikrama who measured the universe with three feet. He is the master of the three worlds.. bhoo, bhuvaH and SuvaH.. He is of exemplary character and of great virtue and his lore is praised everywhere. He is the protector of the three worlds. He is the foremost among those who wield the bow. He is the lord who sanctified the forest of Dandaka with his presence. Placing his feet on the petrified form of Ahalya he relieved the great lady of her curse. He is always obedient and eager to put into act whatever his father Dasaratha wished. He is the source of all boons. He is the vanquisher and is in full control  of all his organs and mind. He is the vanquisher of the worst emotion called anger. He is the vanquisher of all his internal and external foes. He is the leader and organizer of boars and monkeys and considered himself as the leader of the group. He found happiness in taking Chitrakuta as his abode. He gave refuge to Jayanta, the son of Indra who once took the form of a crow and tried to cause disturbance to Sita. He is being served with utmost devotion by Lakshmana, the son of Sumitra. He is the supreme lord of all gods and gods of gods. He brought back to life all the Vanaras who has laid down their lives in the battle with Ravana. He followed and with one arrow from his bow  dispatched to the abode of death the magician Maricha who had taken the form of a golden deer.  He is the Supreme Lord Mahadeva. He has very long and powerful arms.
भव्यो जितारिषड्‌वर्गो महोदरोऽघनाशनः।
सुकीर्तिरादिपुरुषः कान्तः पुण्यकृतागमः॥ ११॥
अकल्मषश्चतुर्बाहुः सर्वावासो दुरासदः।
स्मितभाषी निवृत्तात्मा स्मृतिमान्‌ वीर्यवान्‌ प्रभुः॥ १२॥
धीरो दान्तो घनश्यामः सर्वायुधविशारदः।
अध्यात्मयोगनिलयः सुमना लक्ष्मणाग्रजः॥ १३॥
सर्वतीर्थमयश्शूरः सर्वयज्ञफलप्रदः।
यज्ञस्वरूपी यज्ञेशो जरामरणवर्जितः॥ १४॥
वर्णाश्रमकरो वर्णी शत्रुजित्‌ पुरुषोत्तमः।
विभीषणप्रतिष्ठाता परमात्मा परात्परः॥ १५॥
प्रमाणभूतो दुर्ज्ञेयः पूर्णः परपुरंजयः।
अनन्तदृष्टिरानन्दो धनुर्वेदो धनुर्धरः॥ १६॥
गुणाकरो गुणश्रेष्ठः सच्चिदानन्दविग्रहः।
अभिवन्द्यो महाकायो विश्वकर्मा विशारदः॥ १७॥
विनीतात्मा वीतरागः तपस्वीशो जनेश्वरः।
कल्याणप्रकृतिः कल्पः सर्वेशः सर्वकामदः॥ १८॥
अक्षयः पुरुषः साक्षी केशवः पुरुषोत्तमः।
लोकाध्यक्षो महामायो विभीषणवरप्रदः॥ १९॥
आनन्दविग्रहो ज्योतिर्हनुमत्प्र्भुरव्ययः।
भ्राजिष्णुः सहनो भोक्ता सत्यवादी बहुश्रुतः॥ २०॥
bhavyo jitāriṣaḍvargo mahodaro'ghanāśanaḥ |
sukīrtirādipuruṣaḥ kāntaḥ puṇyakṛtāgamaḥ || 11||
akalmaṣaścaturbāhuḥ sarvāvāso durāsadaḥ |
smitabhāṣī nivṛttātmā smṛtimān vīryavān prabhuḥ || 12||
dhīro dānto ghanaśyāmaḥ sarvāyudhaviśāradaḥ |
adhyātmayoganilayaḥ sumanā lakṣmaṇāgrajaḥ || 13||
sarvatīrthamayaśśūraḥ sarvayajñaphalapradaḥ |
yajñasvarūpī yajñeśo jarāmaraṇavarjitaḥ || 14||
varṇāśramakaro varṇī śatrujit puruṣottamaḥ |
vibhīṣaṇapratiṣṭhātā paramātmā parātparaḥ || 15||
pramāṇabhūto durjñeyaḥ pūrṇaḥ parapuraṁjayaḥ |
anantadṛṣṭirānando dhanurvedo dhanurdharaḥ || 16||
guṇākaro guṇaśreṣṭhaḥ saccidānandavigrahaḥ |
abhivandyo mahākāyo viśvakarmā viśāradaḥ || 17||
vinītātmā vītarāgaḥ tapasvīśo janeśvaraḥ |
kalyāṇaprakṛtiḥ kalpaḥ sarveśaḥ sarvakāmadaḥ || 18||
akṣayaḥ puruṣaḥ sākṣī keśavaḥ puruṣottamaḥ |
lokādhyakṣo mahāmāyo vibhīṣaṇavarapradaḥ || 19||
ānandavigraho jyotirhanumatprbhuravyayaḥ |
bhrājiṣṇuḥ sahano bhoktā satyavādī bahuśrutaḥ || 20||

Rama is very humble. He has vanquished the six enemies Kama Krodha Lobha Moha Madha and Maatsarayam. He is having a very wide torso(mahodara cannot be termed as pot-bellied). He is the destroyer of all the sins of his bhaktas. He is the perpetrator of good deeds. He is the primordial purusha. He is bright and resplendent and attractive. He is the source of refuge for all those are of virtuous character. He is devoid of any blemishes. He is possessed of four arms. He is dwelling in the whole universe as viratpurusha. He is difficult to approach for enemies and non believers. He is speaks pleasantly with a smile. He is completely detached. He is well versed in smritis. He possesses great valour. He is the original source and dispenser of wealth. He is bold. He is generous in giving. He is of the hue of the dense and dark cloud. He is trained to perfection in war-craft and archery and is capable of applying all sorts of weapons. He is the  source-head of the yoga of adyaatma (the science of the inner soul). He is of very exalted and gracious mind. He is the elder brother of Lakshmana. He is the deity worshiped in all places of worshisp (teerthayatra) . He is of great resourcefulness and quick action. He is the supreme one who is blessing us with the good results of all yajnas. He is the creator of the Varnashrama. He is of the second varna.. the Kshatriya. He is the vanquisher of all enemies. He is the most praiseworthy human being. He established Vibheeshana as the king of Lanka. He is the supreme soul. He is the most supreme of the supreme. He is the final word in all laws and debates, to be quoted as finality. He could be understood only with a lot of analysis and interpretation by learned preceptors. He is the Complete one. He is the vanquisher of the citadel of the enemies. His vision in infinite. He is bliss personified. He is personification of the science of archery. He wears Kodhanda the bow. He bestows benefit for all. He is the foremost in all virtues. He is the embodiment of sat chit and ananda. He is the subject of prostrations by all. He is of well proportioned large body. He is the embodiment of simplicity. He is bereft of any personal emotions or desires. He is the protector of the sages who are engaged in penance. He is the master of all human beings. He bears by nature all signs of virtue and benediction. He represents the time-slot Kalpa. He is the master of all. He fulfills the desires of all. He is without any destruction. He is the primordial being. He is the witness for all that transpires in the universe. He is Keshava, with copious hair. He is foremost among the beings. He is the leader of all in all groups. He is the controller of all Maya or deception. He is the one who granted refuge and other great boons to Vibheeshana. He is of myriad forms and shapes. He is the resplendence itself. He is the lord of Hanuman. And he is one without any decay or destruction. He shines for in his own lustre. He is tolerant. He is the final destination of all that is offered to the Divinity. He is a stickler to speaking the truth alone. And he is trained in all the Vedas extensively.
सुखदः कारणं कर्ता भवबन्धविमोचनः।
देवचूडामणिर्नेता ब्रह्मण्यो ब्रह्मवर्धनः॥ २१॥
संसारोत्तारको रामः सर्वदुःखविमोक्षकृत्‌।
विद्वत्तमो विश्वकर्ता विश्वहर्ता च विश्वकृत्‌॥ २२॥
नित्योनियतकल्याणः सीताशोकविनाशकृत्‌।
काकुत्स्थः पुण्डरीकाक्षो विश्वामित्रभयापहः॥ २३॥
मारीचमथनो रामो विराधवधपण्डितः।
दुस्स्वप्ननाशनो रम्यः किरीटी त्रिदशाधिपः॥ २४॥
महाधनुर्महाकायो भीमो भीमपराक्रमः।
तत्त्वस्वरूपी तत्त्वज्ञः तत्त्ववादी सुविक्रमः॥ २५॥
भूतात्मा भूतकृत्स्वामी कालज्ञानी महापटुः।
अनिर्विण्णो गुणग्राही निष्कलङ्कः कलङ्कहा॥ २६॥
स्वभावभद्रश्शत्रुघ्नः केशवः स्थाणुरीश्वरः।
भूतादिः शम्भुरादित्यः स्थविष्ठश्शाश्वतोध्रुवः॥ २७॥
कवची कुण्डली चक्री खड्‌गी भक्तजनप्रियः।
अमृत्युर्जन्मरहितः सर्वजित्सर्वगोचरः॥ २८॥
अनुत्तमोऽप्रमेयात्मा सर्वादिर्गुणसागरः।
समः समात्मा समगो जटामुकुटमण्डितः॥ २९॥
अजेयः सर्वभूतात्मा विष्वक्सेनो महातपाः।
लोकाध्यक्षो महाबाहुरमृतो वेदवित्तमः॥ ३०॥
sukhadaḥ kāraṇaṁ kartā bhavabandhavimocanaḥ |
devacūḍāmaṇirnetā brahmaṇyo brahmavardhanaḥ || 21||
saṁsārottārako rāmaḥ sarvaduḥkhavimokṣakṛt |
vidvattamo viśvakartā viśvahartā ca viśvakṛt || 22||
nityoniyatakalyāṇaḥ sītāśokavināśakṛt |
kākutsthaḥ puṇḍarīkākṣo viśvāmitrabhayāpahaḥ || 23||
mārīcamathano rāmo virādhavadhapaṇḍitaḥ |
dussvapnanāśano ramyaḥ kirīṭī tridaśādhipaḥ || 24||
mahādhanurmahākāyo bhīmo bhīmaparākramaḥ |
tattvasvarūpī tattvajñaḥ tattvavādī suvikramaḥ || 25||
bhūtātmā bhūtakṛtsvāmī kālajñānī mahāpaṭuḥ |
anirviṇṇo guṇagrāhī niṣkalaṅkaḥ kalaṅkahā || 26||
svabhāvabhadraśśatrughnaḥ keśavaḥ sthāṇurīśvaraḥ |
bhūtādiḥ śambhurādityaḥ sthaviṣṭhaśśāśvatodhruvaḥ || 27||
kavacī kuṇḍalī cakrī khaḍgī bhaktajanapriyaḥ |
amṛtyurjanmarahitaḥ sarvajitsarvagocaraḥ || 28||
anuttamo'prameyātmā sarvādirguṇasāgaraḥ |
samaḥ samātmā samago jaṭāmukuṭamaṇḍitaḥ || 29||
ajeyaḥ sarvabhūtātmā viṣvakseno mahātapāḥ |
lokādhyakṣo mahābāhuramṛto vedavittamaḥ || 30||
He bestows on us comfort and welfare. He is the  basic cause for all that happens in the universe.  He is also the doer. He is capable of freeing all from the worldly attachments and ties. He is the top head ornament, that is,  he is the most important person, amongst the gods.  He is the leader.  He is the nature of Brahman and its path personified. He is the protector and sustainer of  the path  of Brahman.  He is the god that gives us deliverance from the worldly woes.  He is the taraka mantram  Rama. He releases us from all sorts of sorrows. He is the foremost among the scholars. He is the creator of the universe. He is also the annihilator of the  universe.  He also manifests as the mover of the universe.  He is existing for ever  and without any end.  All his days are of happy forebodings. He is the destroyer of the sorrow of Seetha. He is Kaakutsta, the  scion of the race of Kakutsa who conducted a war standing  atop a bull. He Is having wide eyes resembling  pundarika the white lotus. He removed the fear of Vishwamitra by protecting the yajna conducted by him which was being disturbed by Rakshasaas Like Subhahu and Maarcha. He is the punisher, and later on the slayer of the Rakshasa named Maareecha. He is Rama.  He is the executor of Viraadha.  He is the remover of bad dreams.  He pleases the minds of all. He wears the royal insignia of a crow.  He is the leader of devas who are also called tridasas. He is wielding an imposing bow, Kodanda.  He is of very huge and strong body.  His activities are of imposing nature.  He is of imposing valour. He is the embodiment of the essential meaning of Vedas and sastras. He possesses immense knowledge in the profound principles of Vedas and Sastras. He always argues for and is partial to dharma as propounded in Vedas and Sastras.  He is eminently valorous.    He is the soul of all living things. He is the creator of all living beings.  He is the lord and master of all living beings.  He is completely aware of all the three times, past, present and future.  He is of great efficiency and dexterity. He has no hatred for anyone. He is very quick in spotting the virtues and good qualities in others. He is a godhead from whom all blemishes are removed.  He is capable of removing the blemishes of others.  He is of very steady character.  He is the annihilator of all the enemies. He is Kehsava, the Lord Narayana.   He is steady and steadfast in his action without wavering, just like a pillar erected on ground.  He is Iswara. The Lord Shiva.. or he is the provider all the Grace to the universe. He is the first among the creations. He is Shambu the Lord Shiva.  He is aditya..the sun who is the son of aditi.  He is the subject matter  of all praise. He is eternal.  He is immovable and stable like Dhruva, the polestar. He sports divine armour   He wears beautiful ear ornaments. He has a discus for his weapon.  He hold a sword also as a weapon.  He is the beloved of all his devotees. He is noble of the noblest. He is beyond limits of measurement.  He is the origin of all things.   He is an ocean of virtues. He treats himself equal to all. He is the soul that is residing equally in all. He moves and acts with all his equals.  He is shining forth with matted hair on his head as an ornament. He is invincible. He is present in all beings as their soul. He is Vishwaksena, the chief of army of Lord Vishnu. He is possessing great wealth of penance.  He is the presiding deity of the world. He is having immense arms.  He is deathless. He  is the foremost among the scholars of Vedas.
सहिष्णुः सद्गतिः शास्ता विश्वयोनिर्महाद्युतिः।
अतीन्द्र ऊर्जितः प्रांशुरुपेन्द्रो वामनो बली॥ ३१॥
धनुर्वेदो विधाता च ब्रह्मा विष्णुश्च शंकरः।
हंसो मरीचिर्गोविन्दो रत्नगर्भो महामतिः॥ ३२॥
व्यासो वाचस्पतिः सर्वदर्पितासुरमर्दनः।
जानकीवल्लभः पूज्यः प्रकटः प्रीतिवर्धनः॥ ३३॥
मदनो मथनो व्यापी विश्वरूपो निरञ्जनः॥ ३४॥
नारायणोऽग्रणीः साधुर्जटायुप्रीतिवर्धनः।
नैकरूपो जगन्नाथः सुरकार्यहितः स्वभूः॥ ३५॥
जितक्रोधो जितारातिः प्लवगाधिपराज्यदः।
वसुदः सुभुजो नैकमायो भव्यप्रमोदनः॥ ३६॥
चण्डांशुः सिद्धिदः कल्पः शरणागतवत्सलः।
अगदो रोगहर्ता च मन्त्रज्ञो मन्त्रभावनः॥ ३७॥
सौमित्रिवत्सलो धुर्यो व्यक्ताव्यक्तस्वरूपधृक्‌।
वसिष्ठो ग्रामणीः श्रीमाननुकूलः प्रियंवदः॥ ३८॥
अतुलः सात्त्विको धीरः शरासनविशारदः।
ज्येष्ठः सर्वगुणोपेतः शक्तिमांस्ताटकान्तकः॥ ३९॥
वैकुण्ठः प्राणिनां प्राणः कमठः कमलापतिः।
गोवर्धनधरो मत्स्यरूपः कारुण्यसागरः॥ ४०॥
sahiṣṇuḥ sadgatiḥ śāstā viśvayonirmahādyutiḥ |
atīndra ūrjitaḥ prāṁśurupendro vāmano balī || 31||
dhanurvedo vidhātā ca brahmā viṣṇuśca śaṁkaraḥ |
haṁso marīcirgovindo ratnagarbho mahāmatiḥ || 32||
vyāso vācaspatiḥ sarvadarpitāsuramardanaḥ |
jānakīvallabhaḥ pūjyaḥ prakaṭaḥ prītivardhanaḥ || 33||
sambhavo'tīndriyovedyo'nirdeśojāmbavatprabhuḥ |
madano mathano vyāpī viśvarūpo nirañjanaḥ || 34||
nārāyaṇo'graṇīḥ sādhurjaṭāyuprītivardhanaḥ |
naikarūpo jagannāthaḥ surakāryahitaḥ svabhūḥ || 35||
jitakrodho jitārātiḥ plavagādhiparājyadaḥ |
vasudaḥ subhujo naikamāyo bhavyapramodanaḥ || 36||
caṇḍāṁśuḥ siddhidaḥ kalpaḥ śaraṇāgatavatsalaḥ |
agado rogahartā ca mantrajño mantrabhāvanaḥ || 37||
saumitrivatsalo dhuryo vyaktāvyaktasvarūpadhṛk |
vasiṣṭho grāmaṇīḥ śrīmānanukūlaḥ priyaṁvadaḥ || 38||
atulaḥ sāttviko dhīraḥ śarāsanaviśāradaḥ |
jyeṣṭhaḥ sarvaguṇopetaḥ śaktimāṁstāṭakāntakaḥ || 39||
vaikuṇṭhaḥ prāṇināṁ prāṇaḥ kamaṭhaḥ kamalāpatiḥ |
govardhanadharo matsyarūpaḥ kāruṇyasāgaraḥ || 40 II
He is very tolerant.  He always follows the right path.  He is the protector of all.  He is the receptacle or womb for the entire universe. He is of the brightest effulgence. He supersedes Indra in valour and stature. He is very energetic.  He is tall.  As Thrivikrama he is the younger brother of Indra, the Upendra. He is Vamana.  He is the Bali.. also he is strong.  He is the embodiment of the science of archery. He is the dispenser of the rules of life Brahmadeva, the Vidhaata.  He is Braham. He is Vishnu.  He is Shankara. He is Hamsa the jeevanmuktha.  He is the mareechi. He is the protector of cows, the upholder of Govardhana the Govinda. He is the source or womb for all gems, or he has emanated from the womb of a he is ratnagarbha.  He is of the greatest intellect and sagacity. He is bhagavan Vyasa, He is  Bhagavan Brihaspati.  He is the annihilator of all the demons who were fighting against him in impossible arrogance.  He is the beloved husband of Janaki.  He is the subject of all worship and reverence.  He is very effusive and forthcoming in his grace.  He increases our satisfaction and affection for him with every meeting with him. He is the source for all.  He is above mere organs and not recognised by organs.  He is beyond instructions and orders.  He is the lord of Jambavaan.  He is like cupid.  He is like a crusher to evils and enemies. He is all pervasive. His form encompasses the whole universe. He is spotlessly pure. He is the dweller of water, Narayana. He is the first to be worshiped in an assembly or group. He is righteous. He propitiated and made the eagle Jatayu very glad by nursing him during his final hours. He is of myriad forms. He is the lord of the whole world. He is engaged in furthering the cause of the gods.  He is born on his own (or from heaven). He has completely conquered anger.  He has vanquished all physical and mental foes and maladies.  He gave the kingdom of Kishkinda to the lord of monkeys Sugriva. He is the giver of all riches. He has long and beautiful hands.  He has many powers of maayaa or illusion.. He is encouraging all who are attached to him with humility. He is shining with blinding lustre of fire.  He grants the desires of all who are attached to Him. He is the time slice..Kalpa.. He loves all who surrender to him in supplication. He is devoid of sorrows and diseases.  He cures his dependents from all diseases. He is well-versed in mantras.  He is the one who is meditated upon through mantras.  He is very affectionate to Lakshmana the son of sumitra. He is the best and foremost among all his peers. He has assumed forms which are clear as also unclear (He is clearly describe in human form in Ramayana, and at the same time he is the avyaktaparabrahma). He is sage Vasista. He is the head of the grama or clan to which he belongs.  He is the source of  wealth and fortune.  He always speaks sweetly and agreeably. He is without comparison. He is predominantly of saatwik guna, or agreeable demeanour. He is extremely bold. He is an adept in archery and the yogas attached to that science.  He is the eldest of the four brothers. He is endowed with all good manners and qualities. He is of unchallenged prowess. He is the slayer of Tataka, the demoness.  He is Vaikunda the abode of Vishnu himself. He manifests as life in all the creatures that are alive. He took the form of tortoise. He is the consort of Kamala, the Lakshmi. He lifted the mountain Govardhana to save the gopas from the wrath of Indra. He took the form of a big fish to reconquer the Vedas. He is the ocean of compassion.
कुम्भकर्णप्रभेत्ता च गोपिगोपालसंवृतः।
मायावी व्यापको व्यापी रैणुकेयबलापहः॥ ४१॥
पिनाकमथनो वन्द्यः समर्थो गरुडध्वजः।
लोकत्रयाश्रयो लोकचरितो भरताग्रजः॥ ४२॥
श्रीधरः सद्गतिर्लोकसाक्षी नारायणो बुधः।
मनोवेगी मनोरूपी पूर्णः पुरुषपुङ्गवः॥ ४३॥
यदुश्रेष्ठो यदुपतिर्भूतावासः सुविक्रमः।
तेजोधरो धराधारश्चतुर्मूर्तिर्महानिधिः॥ ४४॥
चाणूरमर्दनो दिव्यश्शान्तो भरतवन्दितः।
शब्दातिगो गभीरात्मा कोमलाङ्गः प्रजागरः॥ ४५॥
लोकगर्भश्शेषशायी क्षीराब्धिनिलयोऽमलः।
आत्मयोनिरदीनात्मा सहस्राक्षः सहस्रपात्‌॥ ४६॥
अमृतांशुर्महागर्भो निवृत्तविषयस्पृहः।
त्रिकालज्ञो मुनिस्साक्षी विहायसगतिः कृती॥ ४७॥
पर्जन्यः कुमुदो भूतावासः कमललोचनः।
श्रीवत्सवक्षाः श्रीवासो वीरहा लक्ष्मणाग्रजः॥ ४८॥
लोकाभिरामो लोकारिमर्दनः सेवकप्रियः।
सनातनतमो मेघश्यामलो राक्षसान्तकृत्‌॥ ४९॥
दिव्यायुधधरः श्रीमानप्रमेयो जितेन्द्रियः।
भूदेववन्द्यो जनकप्रियकृत्प्रपितामहः॥ ५०॥
kumbhakarṇaprabhettā ca gopigopālasaṁvṛtaḥ |
māyāvī vyāpako vyāpī raiṇukeyabalāpahaḥ || 41||
pinākamathano vandyaḥ samartho garuḍadhvajaḥ |
lokatrayāśrayo lokacarito bharatāgrajaḥ || 42||
śrīdharaḥ sadgatirlokasākṣī nārāyaṇo budhaḥ |
manovegī manorūpī pūrṇaḥ puruṣapuṅgavaḥ || 43||
yaduśreṣṭho yadupatirbhūtāvāsaḥ suvikramaḥ |
tejodharo dharādhāraścaturmūrtirmahānidhiḥ || 44||
cāṇūramardano divyaśśānto bharatavanditaḥ |
śabdātigo gabhīrātmā komalāṅgaḥ prajāgaraḥ || 45||
lokagarbhaśśeṣaśāyī kṣīrābdhinilayo'malaḥ |
ātmayoniradīnātmā sahasrākṣaḥ sahasrapāt || 46||
amṛtāṁśurmahāgarbho nivṛttaviṣayaspṛhaḥ |
trikālajño munissākṣī vihāyasagatiḥ kṛtī || 47||
parjanyaḥ kumudo bhūtāvāsaḥ kamalalocanaḥ |
śrīvatsavakṣāḥ śrīvāso vīrahā lakṣmaṇāgrajaḥ || 48||
lokābhirāmo lokārimardanaḥ sevakapriyaḥ |
sanātanatamo meghaśyāmalo rākṣasāntakṛt || 49||
divyāyudhadharaḥ śrīmānaprameyo jitendriyaḥ |
bhūdevavandyo janakapriyakṛtprapitāmahaḥ || 50||
He is the destroyer of the Rakshasa, Kumbhakarna. He is the lord surrounded by the gopis and the cowherds.   He is adept in exhibiting maya (occult) powers. He  spreads himself  inherently  all over the universe. He is the subduer of the power of the son of Renuka, Parasurama. He is the vanquisher of the bow of Siva. He is worshiped by all. He is an expert in executing whatever he plans. He has the icon of the divine eagle Garuda in his flagstaff. He is the refuge for the three worlds. He is one with his fame spread all over the universe. He is the elder brother of Bharatha. He is carrying Lakshmi in his bosom. He is the final resort for all good people, he is one who treads the right path. He is the one who is the witness for all that happens in the world. He is Lord Narayana.   He is one of the wisest persons in the universe. His speed of action equals the thoughts of his mind.  He is as attractive in form as his agile mind. He is the personification of perfection.  He is foremost among males. He is the most exalted one  amongst the Yadus.  He is the leader of the clan of Yadus. He takes as His abode the whole lot of living beings.  He is of excessive valour. He wears to perfection his innate splendour. He is the foundation for the earth in the form of Aadikurma. He is of four forms ( as per vaishnava traditions the four forms of Vishnu are Krishna, Balarama, Pradhyumna and Aniruddha.. here in Rama Avatara.. it can be Rama Lakshmana  Bharatha and Shatrugna). He is the greatest treasure. He is the crusher of the demon Chaanoora. He is of Divine nature. He is very calm by nature.  He is always worshiped respectfully by Bharatha. He moves faster that sound.  He is of very Intense nature, (alternately he is the sea whale in his Matsya avatar). He is of very attractive and delicate form. He is always awake and alert (cf.  Esha supteshu jagarti). He holds the whole universe in his stomach (Damodara).  He has for his bed the great snake Aadhisesha. His abode is the ocean of milk.. He is bereft of any type of flaw. He has originated from himself (aatmayoni).  His is a soul without any disabilities or dependence.  He has thousand eyes.  He has thousand legs .(cf.. purusha sooktham of rigveda). He is the Moon whose rays transmit ambrosia.  He contains in himself the whole world and so his is the Mahaagarbha.. the greatest pregnancy. He is detached from all worldly passions and desires.  He knows the past, the present and the future. He is the ascetic muni. He is the witness of everything.  He travels through the firmament and the sky. He is the author of heroic deeds. He is the source of rain.  He is the waterlily flower. He indwells in all creations. His eyes resemble the petals of a lotus. He wears the mark Sreevatsam in his bosom. He is the abode of Mahalakshmi. He is the slayer or the most bold enemies. He is the elder brother of Lakshmana.  His form give great pleasure to the whole world. He is the punisher of the enemies of the world.  He loves those who are engaged  in his sincere service. He is the foremost among the theists or followers of sanatana way. He is very dark in hue like a cloud laden with water-drops  He is the one who ensures the annihilation of Rakshasaas. He wields all great Divine weapons like Kodhanta etc. He is the lord of Lakshmi.  He is without any comparison. He is the vanquisher of all his organs. He is worshiped by the gods of the earth, the Brahmins. He makes Janaka, his father in law, very happy.  He is Brahma the pitamaha.
उत्तमः सात्विकः सत्यः सत्यसंधस्त्रिविक्रमः।
सुव्रतः सुलभः सूक्ष्मः सुघोषः सुखदः सुधीः॥ ५१॥
दामोदरोऽच्युतश्शार्ङ्गी वामनो मधुराधिपः।
देवकीनन्दनः शौरिः शूरः कैटभमर्दनः॥ ५२॥
सप्ततालप्रभेत्ता च मित्रवंशप्रवर्धनः।
कालस्वरूपी कालात्माकालः कल्याणदःकविः
संवत्सर ऋतुः पक्षो ह्ययनं दिवसो युगः॥ ५३॥
स्तव्यो विविक्तो निर्लेपः सर्वव्यापी निराकुलः।
अनादिनिधनः सर्वलोकपूज्यो निरामयः॥ ५४॥
रसो रसज्ञः सारज्ञो लोकसारो रसात्मकः।
सर्वदुःखातिगो विद्याराशिः परमगोचरः॥ ५५॥
शेषो विशेषो विगतकल्मषो रघुनायकः।
वर्णश्रेष्ठो वर्णवाह्यो वर्ण्यो वर्ण्यगुणोज्ज्वलः॥ ५६॥
कर्मसाक्ष्यमरश्रेष्ठो देवदेवः सुखप्रदः।
देवाधिदेवो देवर्षिर्देवासुरनमस्कृतः॥ ५७॥
सर्वदेवमयश्चक्री शार्ङ्गपाणी रघूत्तमः।
मनो बुद्धिरहंकारः प्रकृतिः पुरुषोऽव्ययः॥ ५८॥
अहल्यापावनः स्वामी पितृभक्तो वरप्रदः।
न्यायो न्यायी नयी श्रीमान्नयो नगधरोध्रुवः॥ ५९॥
लक्ष्मीविश्वम्भराभर्ता देवेन्द्रो बलिमर्दनः।
वाणारिमर्दनो यज्वानुत्तमो मुनिसेवितः॥ ६०॥
uttamaḥ sātvikaḥ satyaḥ satyasaṁdhastrivikramaḥ |
suvrataḥ sulabhaḥ sūkṣmaḥ sughoṣaḥ sukhadaḥ sudhīḥ || 51||
dāmodaro'cyutaśśārṅgī vāmano madhurādhipaḥ |
devakīnandanaḥ śauriḥ śūraḥ kaiṭabhamardanaḥ || 52||
saptatālaprabhettā ca mitravaṁśapravardhanaḥ |
kālasvarūpī kālātmākālaḥ kalyāṇadaḥkaviḥ
saṁvatsara ṛtuḥ pakṣo hyayanaṁ divaso yugaḥ || 53||
stavyo vivikto nirlepaḥ sarvavyāpī nirākulaḥ |
anādinidhanaḥ sarvalokapūjyo nirāmayaḥ || 54||
raso rasajñaḥ sārajño lokasāro rasātmakaḥ |
sarvaduḥkhātigo vidyārāśiḥ paramagocaraḥ || 55||
śeṣo viśeṣo vigatakalmaṣo raghunāyakaḥ |
varṇaśreṣṭho varṇavāhyo varṇyo varṇyaguṇojjvalaḥ || 56||
karmasākṣyamaraśreṣṭho devadevaḥ sukhapradaḥ |
devādhidevo devarṣirdevāsuranamaskṛtaḥ || 57||
sarvadevamayaścakrī śārṅgapāṇī raghūttamaḥ |
mano buddhirahaṁkāraḥ prakṛtiḥ puruṣo'vyayaḥ || 58||
ahalyāpāvanaḥ svāmī pitṛbhakto varapradaḥ |
nyāyo nyāyī nayī śrīmānnayo nagadharodhruvaḥ || 59||
lakṣmīviśvambharābhartā devendro balimardanaḥ |
vāṇārimardano yajvānuttamo munisevitaḥ || 60||
He is the most noble. He is of the ideal quality of Sattwa. He is the embodiment of truth. He stands for truth always.  He is the Thrivikrama, who measured the whole universe in three steps to mitigate the arrogance of Bali. He is always conducting himself with noble vows and rituals. He is easily approachable to His devotees. He is found in the most minute form. His solemn announcements are sweet to hear. He blesses the devotees with comfort and well being.  He is of immense and noble intellect. He is Damodara, the child who was  tied with a rope around the tummy by his mother Yasodha .  He is Achyutha the eternal without any fall.  He wears Sarnga, the sword as a weapon.  He came as the dwarf Vamana to Bali’s sacrifice. He is the lord of Mathura. He is the beloved son of Devaki.  He is Sauri, the scion of Soorasena race. He is of immense valour.  He is the slayer of the demon Kaitabha. He shattered seven palm trees growing not in a row with one arrow to demonstrat his valour before Sugriva. He is the shining star and scion of the race of Mitra the Sun. He is the embodiment of the Lord of Fate. He is the force that moves time. He is time itself.  He is the provider of welfare and Grace to his devotees. He is the poet, the person with immense knowledge and wisdom. He is the year. He is the season (ritu). He is the fortnight.  He is the six month period of Ayana. He is the day.  He is the yuga. He is the subject matter of all praise. He is profound, with great sagacity. He is without any stain or blemish to his character. He is the all pervading divinity. He is bereft of any sorrow or anxiety. He is  refuge for all those who are orphans. He is worshiped by all in the universe. He is without any physical or mental maladies. He is the essence of all that is great.  He is the knower of the essence of things. He knows the sum and substance of all matters.  He is the quintessential embodiment of the universe.  He is the essence of the universe. He is beyond all sorrows. He is the treasure-house of all knowledge. He is entirely visible..( or Param agochara.. meaning he is difficult to find).  He is the great serpent  Sesha.  He is very special, without comparison. He is bereft of all ill-will and impure thoughts. He is the master of Raghu Clan. He is of the noble caste.  He is one who propagates his Varna.  He is eminently describable. His character and attainments are worthy of great praise.  He is resplendent with his tejas. He is the witness to the actions of all beings.  He is the foremost among the deathless gods.  He is the god of gods. He blesses us with comfort and peace.  He is the supreme god of all the gods.  He is the sage among gods.  He is prostrated in supplication by gods and demons. He contains in himself all the gods.  He is the wielder of the discus Sudarsana. He is wielding the sword Sarnga in his hand.  He is the most noble among those born in Raghu clan. He is the mind. He is the intellect.   He is the sense of self-knowledge and discrimination (ahamkara). He is nature, the mulaprakriti. He is the primordial Purusha.  He is bereft of any diminution in greatness. He sanctified and rejuvenated Devi Ahalya from her existence as a stone by placing his foot on the stone. He is the master with real authority. He is utterly devoted to his father. He is the source of great boons. He is the embodiment of justice.  He is the dispenser of justice. He is diplomatic. He is the Lord of the goddess of wealth.  He is the embodiment of right diplomacy. He is the one who lifted  the mountain, Govardhana. He is the child Dhruva, who by his penance became the Polestar..( or he is as determinedly fixed in his stance as the Dhruva). He is the lord of Lakshmi and the Bhumidevi. He is the lord of gods Indra himself.  He vanquished Mahabali in his avatar as Trivikrama. He is the enemy of Baanaasura. He is the Kamadeva himself.  He is the performer of sacrifices.  He is absolutely noble without comparison. He is served in supplication by sages.
देवाग्रणीः शिवध्यानतत्परः परमः परः।
सामगेयः प्रियोऽक्रूरः पुण्यकीर्तिस्सुलोचनः॥ ६१॥
पुण्यः पुण्याधिकः पूर्वः पूर्णः पूरयिता रविः।
जटिलः कल्मषध्वान्तप्रभञ्जनविभावसुः॥ ६२॥
अव्यक्तलक्षणोऽव्यक्तो दशास्यद्विपकेसरी।
कलानिधिः कलानाथो कमलानन्दवर्धनः॥ ६३॥
जयी जितारिः सर्वादिः शमनो भवभञ्जनः।
अलंकरिष्णुरचलो रोचिष्णुर्विक्रमोत्तमः॥ ६४॥
आशुः शब्दपतिः शब्दागोचरो रञ्जनो रघुः।
निश्शब्दः प्रणवो माली स्थूलः सूक्ष्मो विलक्षणः॥ ६५॥
आत्मयोनिरयोनिश्च सप्तजिह्वः सहस्रपात्‌।
सनातनतमस्स्रग्वी पेशलो जविनां वरः॥ ६६॥
शक्तिमाञ्शङ्खभॄन्नाथः गदापद्मरथाङ्गभृत्‌।
निरोहो निर्विकल्पश्च चिद्रूपो वीतसाध्वसः॥ ६७॥
शताननः सहस्राक्षः शतमूर्तिर्धनप्रभः।
हृत्पुण्डरीकशयनः कठिनो द्रव एव च॥ ६८॥
उग्रो ग्रहपतिः श्रीमान्‌ समर्थोऽनर्थनाशनः।
अधर्मशत्रू रक्षोघ्नः पुरुहूतः पुरुष्टुतः॥ ६९॥
ब्रह्मगर्भो बृहद्गर्भो धर्मधेनुर्धनागमः।
हिरण्यगर्भोज्योतिष्मान्‌ सुललाटः सुविक्रमः॥ ७०॥
devāgraṇīḥ śivadhyānatatparaḥ paramaḥ paraḥ |
sāmageyaḥ priyo'krūraḥ puṇyakīrtissulocanaḥ || 61||
puṇyaḥ puṇyādhikaḥ pūrvaḥ pūrṇaḥ pūrayitā raviḥ |
jaṭilaḥ kalmaṣadhvāntaprabhañjanavibhāvasuḥ || 62||
avyaktalakṣaṇo'vyakto daśāsyadvipakesarī |
kalānidhiḥ kalānātho kamalānandavardhanaḥ || 63||
jayī jitāriḥ sarvādiḥ śamano bhavabhañjanaḥ |
alaṁkariṣṇuracalo rociṣṇurvikramottamaḥ || 64||
āśuḥ śabdapatiḥ śabdāgocaro rañjano raghuḥ |
niśśabdaḥ praṇavo mālī sthūlaḥ sūkṣmo vilakṣaṇaḥ || 65||
ātmayonirayoniśca saptajihvaḥ sahasrapāt |
sanātanatamassragvī peśalo javināṁ varaḥ || 66||
śaktimāñśaṅkhabhṝnnāthaḥ gadāpadmarathāṅgabhṛt |
niroho nirvikalpaśca cidrūpo vītasādhvasaḥ || 67||
śatānanaḥ sahasrākṣaḥ śatamūrtirdhanaprabhaḥ |
hṛtpuṇḍarīkaśayanaḥ kaṭhino drava eva ca || 68||
ugro grahapatiḥ śrīmān samartho'narthanāśanaḥ |
adharmaśatrū rakṣoghnaḥ puruhūtaḥ puruṣṭutaḥ || 69||
brahmagarbho bṛhadgarbho dharmadhenurdhanāgamaḥ |
hiraṇyagarbhojyotiṣmān sulalāṭaḥ suvikramaḥ || 70||
Rama is first among the gods. He is eager to meditate upon Shiva. He is the superlative one.  He is the ultimate Brahman. He is worshiped by the songs of Samaveda. He is dear to everyone. He is bereft of any cruelty. He has exalted grace which is praised by all. He has very beautiful eyes. He is the quintessential result of all virtuous deeds(punya) personified. He is even greater than Punya itself. He is in the forefront of all. He is perfect and complete. He is the one who fills everything. He is the sun. He sports matted hair. He is the annihilator of ill feelings. He enlightened the knowledge of Prabhanjana. His divine features are difficult to comprehend.  He is not apparent for non-believers. He is the lion who annihilated the elephant that was the ten headed Raavana. He is the treasure-house of all arts.  He is the master of all arts. He is the enhancer of the jubilation of Lakshmi.  He is habitually victorious. He is the vanquisher of enemies. He is the beginning of everything. He is the one who mitigates all maladies. He is the one  who shatters all the woes of the world.  He is enamoured of adorning himself with jewels and all. He is unshakable.  He is a connoisseur of all fine things. He is the best among the valorous people. He is the air. He is Brihaspathi.  He is not detectable even with the speed of sound. He is extremely pleasing. He is the scion of Raghu.  He is silent. He is the supreme sound Omkara. He wears garlands. He is of wide physical size.  He is minute in principle. He is beyond the range of vision.  He has been born of himself.  He was never born in a womb.  He is the seven-tongued Agni.  He is the primordial purusha with thousand legs (cf.. purusha sooktham).  He is the foremost among the sanatanis. He is adorned with garlands. He is efficient. He is the best among living beings.  He is of immense power. He carries a conch in his hand.  He is the master of all.  He wears a mace, a lotus flower and the wheel of a chariot in his hands. He is without any growth  or diminution. He is bereft of any objectionable trait. He is of the supreme form pervading the universe.  He is bereft of any fear.  He is of hundred faces. He is of thousand eyes. He is of hundred forms. He is the source of and resplendent with physical and spiritual wealth. He is dormant in the lotus that is the heart of the living being. He is very solid.  He is very liquid.  He is virulent.  He is the master of the planets, the sun. He is master of great wealth and  also the goddess of wealth herself.  He is very efficient.  He is the one who prevents mishaps. He is the enemy of people who deviate from the path of virtue.  He is the killer of Rakshasaas. He is a prince much praised by all.  He is the one who is eulogized by all men. He is the progenitor of Brahmadeva. He is the progenitor of all beings. He is the source of Dharma.( the udder of a cow from where dharma is milched.).  He is the source of all wealth. He is the primordial Hiranyagarba. He is possessing an aura of light. He has wide forehead. He is famous for his valour.
शिवपूजारतः श्रीमान्‌ भवानीप्रियकृद्वशी।
नरो नारायणः श्यामः कपर्दीनीललोहितः॥ ७१॥
रुद्रः पशुपतिः स्थाणुर्विश्वामित्रो द्विजेश्वरः।
मातामहोमातरिश्वाविरिञ्चोविष्टरश्रवाः॥ ७२॥
अक्षोभ्यः सर्वभूतानां चण्डः सत्यपराक्रमः।
वालखिल्यो महाकल्पः कल्पवृक्षः कलाधरः॥ ७३॥
निदाघस्तपनोऽमोघः श्लक्ष्णः परबलापहृत्‌।
कबन्धमथनो दिव्यः कम्बुग्रीवशिवप्रियः॥ ७४॥
शङ्खोऽनिलः सुनिष्पन्नः सुलभः शिशिरात्मकः।
असंसृष्टोऽतिथिः शूरः प्रमाथी पापनाशकृत्‌॥ ७५॥
वसुश्रवाः कव्यवाहः प्रतप्तो विश्वभोजनः।
रामोनीलोत्पलश्यामोज्ञानस्कन्धोमहाद्युतिः॥ ७६॥
पवित्रपादः पापारिर्मणिपूरो नभोगतिः।
उत्तारणो दुष्कृतिहा दुर्धर्षो दुस्सहोऽभयः॥ ७७॥
अमृतेशोऽमृतवपुर्धर्मी धर्मः कृपाकरः।
भर्गो विवस्वानादित्यो योगाचार्यो दिवस्पतिः॥ ७८॥
उदारकीर्तिरुद्योगी वाङ्मयः सदसन्मयः।
नक्षत्रमाली नाकेशः स्वाधिष्ठानः षडाश्रयः॥ ७९॥
चतुर्वर्गफलो वर्णी शक्तित्रयफलं निधिः।
निधानगर्भो निर्व्याजो गिरीशो व्यालमर्दनः॥ ८०॥
śivapūjārataḥ śrīmān bhavānīpriyakṛdvaśī |
naro nārāyaṇaḥ śyāmaḥ kapardīnīlalohitaḥ || 71||
rudraḥ paśupatiḥ sthāṇurviśvāmitro dvijeśvaraḥ |
mātāmahomātariśvāviriñcoviṣṭaraśravāḥ || 72||
akṣobhyaḥ sarvabhūtānāṁ caṇḍaḥ satyaparākramaḥ |
vālakhilyo mahākalpaḥ kalpavṛkṣaḥ kalādharaḥ || 73||
nidāghastapano'moghaḥ ślakṣṇaḥ parabalāpahṛt |
kabandhamathano divyaḥ kambugrīvaśivapriyaḥ || 74||
śaṅkho'nilaḥ suniṣpannaḥ sulabhaḥ śiśirātmakaḥ |
asaṁsṛṣṭo'tithiḥ śūraḥ pramāthī pāpanāśakṛt || 75||
vasuśravāḥ kavyavāhaḥ pratapto viśvabhojanaḥ |
rāmonīlotpalaśyāmojñānaskandhomahādyutiḥ || 76||
pavitrapādaḥ pāpārirmaṇipūro nabhogatiḥ |
uttāraṇo duṣkṛtihā durdharṣo dussaho'bhayaḥ || 77||
amṛteśo'mṛtavapurdharmī dharmaḥ kṛpākaraḥ |
bhargo vivasvānādityo yogācāryo divaspatiḥ || 78||
udārakīrtirudyogī vāṅmayaḥ sadasanmayaḥ |
nakṣatramālī nākeśaḥ svādhiṣṭhānaḥ ṣaḍāśrayaḥ || 79||
caturvargaphalo varṇī śaktitrayaphalaṁ nidhiḥ |
nidhānagarbho nirvyājo girīśo vyālamardanaḥ || 80||
He is always engaged in the worship of Siva. He is endowed with great wealth and he is the master of Lakshmi the goddess of wealth. He is the one who does all that is pleasing to Bhavani. He is very attractive. He is sage Nara. He is sage Narayana. He is of  dark hue. He is Lord Shiva wearing matted and braided locks. He is Shiva of bluish red colour. He is Rudra. He is the master of all living beings, Shiva the pashupati. He is immovable..entrenched in the whole universe as Stanunatha the Shiva. He is the sage Vishwamitra.  He is the Lord of all twice-borns. He is the Matamaha,.  He is the  Matariswa the bringer of agni. He is Brahmadeva the Virincha.  He is VisravasravaH, the Vishnu who is widely praised. He is non-chalant.  He is the Sun for all living beings. He fights with great valour to establish truth. He is the group of Valakhilya sages.   He pervades the time span of a huge kalpa. He is the wish-yielding tree of the Heave (Kalpavriksha).  He wears the crescent the form as Shiva. He stopped the dust storm of the hot region.  He is limitless. He is neither too hard nor too soft. He neutralizes the strength of his enemies. He is the slayer of Kabanda. He is divine.  He has slender neck. He is the favourite of Lord Shiva.   He is the Sankha.  He is the windgod. He is very clear in his ideas.  He is easily attainable for his devotees. He is as pleasing in the winter season. He was never created.. . He has no particular timeslot for origin. He is extremely valorous. He thoroughly punishes his foes.  He destroys all sins. He is praised by Vasus. He is the  subject matter for all great poetic works.  He cooks the whole world with his fire of  splendour.   He, at the end of the time when deluge starts, eats away the whole universe.  He is Rama the enchanting.  He is as dark as the blue lotus. He is equal to Skanda in knowledge. He is having dazzling splendour.  His feet are sacred ( as could be seen from the emancipation of Devi Ahalya).  He is the enemy of the sinners.  He is the occupant of Manipura lotus. He traverses through the sky. He lifts the souls from the woes of the cycle of lives.  He is the annihilator of perpetrators of evil deeds.  He is not capable of being vanquished by his foes. 
The  enemies fighting with him could not ever be any match to him.
 He is devoid of any fear. He is the lord of Amrita, the moon. He is of deathless body. He is partial to the righteous path of life. He is Dharma himself.  He is eternally merciful.  He is the source of the forceful rays of the Sun.  He is Vivaswaan the Sun.  He is aaditya.  He is the preceptor of Yogas. He is the lord of the day, Sun. He is of fame that is widespread.  He is industrious.  He is eloquent. He is the one who enlivens the assemblies.  He is the Virat purusha who wears the stars as garland. He is the lord of Heaven.  He is the occupier of the Swadhistana lotus.  He is the occupied of the six Chakras. He gives the results of all the four purusharthas- dharma, artha; kama  and moksha. He is of exalted caste.  He is the combination of three Shaktis, iccha, kriya and jnana. He conceals in himself the whole universe.  He is without any guile or deception. He is the occupier of the mountain, Lord Shiva.  He is the annihilator of Vyala.
श्रीवल्लभः शिवारम्भः शान्तिर्भद्रः समञ्जसः।
भूशयो भूतिकृद्भूतिर्भूषणो भूतवाहनः॥ ८१॥
अकायो भक्तकायस्थः कालज्ञानी महावटुः।
परार्थवृत्तिरचलो विविक्तः श्रुतिसागरः॥ ८२॥
स्वभावभद्रो मध्यस्थः संसारभयनाशनः।
वेद्यो वैद्यो वियद्गोप्ता सर्वामरमुनीश्वरः॥ ८३॥
सुरेन्द्रः करणं कर्म कर्मकृत्कर्म्यधोक्षजः।
ध्येयो धुर्यो धराधीशः संकल्पः शर्वरीपतिः॥ ८४॥
परमार्थगुरुर्वृद्धः शुचिराश्रितवत्सलः।
विष्णुर्जिष्णुर्विभुर्वन्द्यो यज्ञेशो यज्ञपालकः॥ ८५॥
प्रभविष्णुर्ग्रसिष्णुश्च लोकात्मा लोकभावनः।
केशवः केशिहा काव्यः कविः कारणकारणम्‌॥ ८६॥
कालकर्ता कालशेषो वासुदेवः पुरुष्टुतः।
आदिकर्ता वराहश्च माधवो मधुसूदनः॥ ८७॥
नारायणो नरो हंसो विष्वक्सेनो जनार्दनः।
विश्वकर्ता महायज्ञो ज्योतिष्मान्‌ पुरुषोत्तमः॥ ८८॥
वैकुण्ठः पुण्डरीकाक्षः कृष्णः सूर्यः सुरार्चितः।
नारसिंहो महाभीमो वक्रदंष्ट्रो नखायुधः॥ ८९॥
आदिदेवो जगत्कर्ता योगीशो गरुडध्वजः।
गोविन्दोगोपतिर्गोप्ता भूपतिर्भुवनेश्वरः॥ ९०॥
śrīvallabhaḥ śivārambhaḥ śāntirbhadraḥ samañjasaḥ |
bhūśayo bhūtikṛdbhūtirbhūṣaṇo bhūtavāhanaḥ || 81||
akāyo bhaktakāyasthaḥ kālajñānī mahāvaṭuḥ |
parārthavṛttiracalo viviktaḥ śrutisāgaraḥ || 82||
svabhāvabhadro madhyasthaḥ saṁsārabhayanāśanaḥ |
vedyo vaidyo viyadgoptā sarvāmaramunīśvaraḥ || 83||
surendraḥ karaṇaṁ karma karmakṛtkarmyadhokṣajaḥ |
dhyeyo dhuryo dharādhīśaḥ saṁkalpaḥ śarvarīpatiḥ || 84||
paramārthagururvṛddhaḥ śucirāśritavatsalaḥ |
viṣṇurjiṣṇurvibhurvandyo yajñeśo yajñapālakaḥ || 85||
prabhaviṣṇurgrasiṣṇuśca lokātmā lokabhāvanaḥ |
keśavaḥ keśihā kāvyaḥ kaviḥ kāraṇakāraṇam || 86||
kālakartā kālaśeṣo vāsudevaḥ puruṣṭutaḥ |
ādikartā varāhaśca mādhavo madhusūdanaḥ || 87||
nārāyaṇo naro haṁso viṣvakseno janārdanaḥ |
viśvakartā mahāyajño jyotiṣmān puruṣottamaḥ || 88||
vaikuṇṭhaḥ puṇḍarīkākṣaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ sūryaḥ surārcitaḥ |
nārasiṁho mahābhīmo vakradaṁṣṭro nakhāyudhaḥ || 89||
ādidevo jagatkartā yogīśo garuḍadhvajaḥ |
govindogopatirgoptā bhūpatirbhuvaneśvaraḥ || 90||
He is the lord of Lakshmi. He is the auspicious beginning. He is peace.  He is safety. He is a well-balanced person. He is lying on the earth. He is the one who bestows welfare.  He is welfare personified.  He is the adornment.  He has a bhootha as his form as Shiva. He is body-less   His abode is the body of the devotee. He has the knowledge of three times, the past, the  present and the future. He is the great brahmachari. His endeavour is always for the welfare of others. He is of stoic nature. He is discerning.  He possesses an ocean of knowledge of Vedas. He is of very equanimous character. He is one who treads the well-balanced middle path. He is the destroyer of the woes of the mundane life. He is understood through scriptures. He is the healer. He is the protector of  the sky. He is the lord of all gods and sages. He is the leader of gods. He is the cause of deed.  He is the deed. He is the performer of deeds. He is the witness of all deeds.  He is adokshaja, the Vishnu. He is the one who is to be meditated upon. He is the one who is being carried in the hearts of the devotees. He is the supreme lord of the earth.  He acts as the solemn will of people. He is the lord of Sharvari, the earth. He is the teacher of the supreme truth.  He is aged by wisdom. He is clean. He is the refuge for all those who depend on him. He is the all-pervading Vishnu. He is one who is always successful. He is the source of all great things. He is worshipped by all.  He is the lord of Yajnas. He is the protector of yajnas. He is capable of doing all that he wills.  He is capable of spreading over the whole universe.   He is the sould of the universe.  He is Kesava.  He is the slayer of the demon Kesi. He is the kaavya, or subject of description by poets. He is the poet. He is the cause of causes. He is the cause of time.  He transcends time. He is the Vaasudeva.  He is praised by all people.  He is the primordial creator. He is the divine boar. He is Madhava.    He is the slayer of the demon Madhu.  He is narayana. He is the sage Nara. He is the supreme sage Hamsa. He is Vishwaksena. He is janardhana.  He is the creator of the universe.  He is the great sacrifice. He is one possessing of resplendence. He is the best among men. He is Vaikunda.  He is having eyes like the lotus flower. He is Krishna. He is the sun.  He is worshiped by all gods. He is Narasimha.  He is of imposing form. He is of curved molars  He is having fingernails as weapon. He is the primordial God. He is the creator of the universe. He is the lord of the yogins. He is having the great eagle Garuda in his flagstaff. He is Govinda.  He is the protector of cows.  He is the guard of all his dependents.  He is the lord of earth.  He is the supreme saviour of the entire universe.
पद्मनाभो हृषीकेशो धाता दामोदरः प्रभुः।
त्रिविक्रमस्त्रिलोकेशो ब्रह्मेशः प्रीतिवर्धनः॥ ९१॥
वामनो दुष्टदमनो गोविन्दो गोपवल्लभः।
भक्तप्रियोऽच्युतः सत्यः सत्यकीर्तिर्धृतिः स्मृतिः॥ ९२॥
कारुण्यं करुणो व्यासः पापहा शान्तिवर्धनः।
संन्यासी शास्त्रतत्वज्ञो मन्दराद्रिनिकेतनः॥ ९३॥
बदरीनिलयः शान्तस्तपस्वी वैद्युतप्रभः।
भूतावासो गुहावासः श्रीनिवासः श्रियः पतिः॥ ९४॥
तपोवासो मुदावासः सत्यवासः सनातनः।
पुरुषः पुष्करः पुण्यः पुष्कराक्षो महेश्वरः॥ ९५॥
पूर्णमूर्तिः पुराणज्ञः पुण्यदः प्रीतिवर्धनः।
शङ्खी चक्री गदी शार्ङ्गी लाङ्गली मुसली हली॥ ९६॥
किरीटी कुण्डली हारी मेखली कवची ध्वजी।
योद्धा जेता महावीर्यः शत्रुजिच्छत्रुतापनः॥ ९७॥
शास्ता शास्त्रकरः शास्त्रं शंकर शंकरस्तुतः।
सारथिः सात्त्विकः स्वामी सामवेदप्रियः समः॥ ९८॥
पवनः संहतः शक्तिः सम्पूर्णाङ्गः समृद्धिमान्‌।
स्वर्गदः कामदः श्रीदः कीर्तिदोऽकीर्तिनाशनः॥ ९९॥
मोक्षदः पुण्डरीकाक्षः क्षीराब्धिकृतकेतनः।
सर्वात्मासर्वलोकेशः प्रेरकः पापनाशनः॥ १००॥
padmanābho hṛṣīkeśo dhātā dāmodaraḥ prabhuḥ |
trivikramastrilokeśo brahmeśaḥ prītivardhanaḥ || 91||
vāmano duṣṭadamano govindo gopavallabhaḥ |
bhaktapriyo'cyutaḥ satyaḥ satyakīrtirdhṛtiḥ smṛtiḥ || 92||
kāruṇyaṁ karuṇo vyāsaḥ pāpahā śāntivardhanaḥ |
saṁnyāsī śāstratatvajño mandarādriniketanaḥ || 93||
badarīnilayaḥ śāntastapasvī vaidyutaprabhaḥ |
bhūtāvāso guhāvāsaḥ śrīnivāsaḥ śriyaḥ patiḥ || 94||
tapovāso mudāvāsaḥ satyavāsaḥ sanātanaḥ |
puruṣaḥ puṣkaraḥ puṇyaḥ puṣkarākṣo maheśvaraḥ || 95||
pūrṇamūrtiḥ purāṇajñaḥ puṇyadaḥ prītivardhanaḥ |
śaṅkhī cakrī gadī śārṅgī lāṅgalī musalī halī || 96||
kirīṭī kuṇḍalī hārī mekhalī kavacī dhvajī |
yoddhā jetā mahāvīryaḥ śatrujicchatrutāpanaḥ || 97||
śāstā śāstrakaraḥ śāstraṁ śaṁkara śaṁkarastutaḥ |
sārathiḥ sāttvikaḥ svāmī sāmavedapriyaḥ samaḥ || 98||
pavanaḥ saṁhataḥ śaktiḥ sampūrṇāṅgaḥ samṛddhimān |
svargadaḥ kāmadaḥ śrīdaḥ kīrtido'kīrtināśanaḥ || 99||
mokṣadaḥ puṇḍarīkākṣaḥ kṣīrābdhikṛtaketanaḥ |
sarvātmāsarvalokeśaḥ prerakaḥ pāpanāśanaḥ || 100||

He  is Padmanabha, with a lotus growing from his navel. He is Hrisheekesha who control all our senses.  He is the bounteous giver.  He is the lord who was tied with a rope around his belly.. the lord who contains the whole universe in his belly.. He is the powerful master who is the source of all bounties. He is Trivikrama.  He is the lord of the three worlds. He is the master of Brahmadeva.  He increases the pleasure of all who are devoted to him. He is the divine dwarf Vamana. He is the annihilator of evil persons.  He is the protector of cows, Govinda. He is the beloved leader of Gopas. He is the one who is dear to his devotees. He is Achyutha, the master without any fall.
He is truth personified. He is most famous for his truthfulness. He is valiant. He is the embodiment of smrithis.. Upanishads etc. He is compassion personified. He is kind.  He is Vyaasa. He purifies his devotees of their sins. He enhances the peace of mind of his devotees.  He is just like a recluse..sannyasi.  He knows the principles of shastras in depth.  He is the dweller of the mountain Manthara. He is the lord of Badari.  He is the calm person engaged in penance.  He is resplendent with thunderbolt. He resides in the innards of all beings.  He resides in the recesses of the Cave of the heart of the living being (Nihitam Guhaayaam).. In Him resides the goddess of wealth Lakshmi.  He is the lord of the goddess of wealth Lakshmi. He is always engaged in Tapas.  He is always in utter jubilation  He stays in truthfulness. He is sanatana. He is the primordial Purusha.  He is having eyes like that of a blue lotus. He is Maheswara, Lord Shiva Himself. He is of perfect form.  He is learned in Puranas. He endows Punya on his devotees. He enhances the satisfaction of his devotees. He is wearing Conch.  He is wearing discus. He is wearing mace. He is wearing sword.  He is wearing a whip. He is wearing a crowbar. He is wearing a plough. He is wearing a beautiful crown. He is wearing attractive earrings. He is wearing garlands. He is wearing a girdle. He is wearing armour. He carries a flag as royal insignia. He is a great warrior.  He is always the winner. He is of great valour. He is the one who gains victory over all enemies.  He is the one who punished the enemies. He is the protector.  He is the upholder of the shastraas.  He is the embodiment of Shastram itself. He is Lord Shankara himself..  He is praised by Lord Shankara. He is the charioteer of Arjuna. He is of mild or sattwik nature. He is an ideal master to his servants. He is fond of Samaveda. He is of impartial and balanced views. He is the windgod.  He is in the great lower region Vaikunda. He is Shakti. He possesses complete and wholesome physical features. He is visited by prosperity everywhere. He blesses us with heaven. He blesses us with all that we desire for. He blesses us with immense wealth. He blesses us with great fame. He destroys the infamy of his devotees. He blesses us with Moksha. He is having eyes resembling the blue lotus. He is the one who had made the milky ocean as his abode. He is the one who prompts us to do good deeds. He destroys the sins of all the devotees.
सर्वव्यापी जगन्नाथः सर्वलोकमहेश्वरः।
सर्गस्थित्यन्तकृद्देवः सर्वलोकसुखावहः॥ १०१॥
अक्षय्यः शाश्वतोऽनन्तः क्षयवृद्धिविवर्जितः।
निर्लेपो निर्गुणः सूक्ष्मो निर्विकारो निरञ्जनः॥ १०२॥
सर्वोपाधिविनिर्मुक्तः सत्तामात्रव्यवस्थितः।
अधिकारी विभुर्नित्यः परमात्मा सनातनः॥ १०३॥
अचलो निर्मलो व्यापी नित्यतृप्तो निराश्रयः।
श्यामो युवा लोहिताक्षो दीप्तास्यो मितभाषणः॥ १०४॥
आजानुबाहुः सुमुखः सिंहस्कन्धो महाभुजः।
सत्यवान्‌ गुणसम्पन्नः स्वयंतेजाः सुदीप्तिमान्‌॥ १०५॥
कालात्मा भगवान्‌ कालः कालचक्रप्रवर्तकः।
नारायणः परंज्योतिः परमात्मा सनातनः॥ १०६॥
विश्वसृड्‌विश्वगोप्ता च विश्वभोक्ता च शाश्वतः।
विश्वेश्वरो विश्वमूर्तिर्विश्वात्मा विश्वभावनः॥ १०७॥
सर्वभूतसुहृच्छान्तः सर्वभूतानुकम्पनः।
सर्वेश्वरेश्वरः सर्वः श्रीमानाश्रितवत्सलः॥ १०८॥
सर्वगः सर्वभूतेशः सर्वभूताशयस्थितः।
अभ्यन्तरस्थस्तमसश्छेत्ता नारायणः परः॥ १०९॥
अनादिनिधनः स्रष्टा प्रजापतिपतिर्हरिः।
नरसिंहो हृषीकेशः सर्वात्मा सर्वदृग्वशी॥ ११०॥
sarvavyāpī jagannāthaḥ sarvalokamaheśvaraḥ |
sargasthityantakṛddevaḥ sarvalokasukhāvahaḥ || 101||
akṣayyaḥ śāśvato'nantaḥ kṣayavṛddhivivarjitaḥ |
nirlepo nirguṇaḥ sūkṣmo nirvikāro nirañjanaḥ || 102||
sarvopādhivinirmuktaḥ sattāmātravyavasthitaḥ |
adhikārī vibhurnityaḥ paramātmā sanātanaḥ || 103||
acalo nirmalo vyāpī nityatṛpto nirāśrayaḥ |
śyāmo yuvā lohitākṣo dīptāsyo mitabhāṣaṇaḥ || 104||
ājānubāhuḥ sumukhaḥ siṁhaskandho mahābhujaḥ |
satyavān guṇasampannaḥ svayaṁtejāḥ sudīptimān || 105||
kālātmā bhagavān kālaḥ kālacakrapravartakaḥ |
nārāyaṇaḥ paraṁjyotiḥ paramātmā sanātanaḥ || 106||
viśvasṛḍviśvagoptā ca viśvabhoktā ca śāśvataḥ |
viśveśvaro viśvamūrtirviśvātmā viśvabhāvanaḥ || 107||
sarvabhūtasuhṛcchāntaḥ sarvabhūtānukampanaḥ |
sarveśvareśvaraḥ sarvaḥ śrīmānāśritavatsalaḥ || 108||
sarvagaḥ sarvabhūteśaḥ sarvabhūtāśayasthitaḥ |
abhyantarasthastamasaśchettā nārāyaṇaḥ paraḥ || 109||
anādinidhanaḥ sraṣṭā prajāpatipatirhariḥ |
narasiṁho hṛṣīkeśaḥ sarvātmā sarvadṛgvaśī || 110||

He is all-pervading. He is the master of the universe. He is the lord and deity of the whole world. He is the master of birth, existence and end  of all the beings in the universe. He is the God. He is the one who provides welfare and prosperity to all. He is without any destruction. He is eternal. He is without end. He is bereft of diminution or enhancement. He is blemishless. He is beyond all qualities. He is minute in nature. He is not moved by any emotions. He is spotlessly pure. He is beyond all conditions. He is indwelling always in eminent things. He is the one with power of carrying out good things. He is the one who bestows great bounties on  the devotees. He is eternal. He is the paramatman. He is the sanatana. He is unshakeable in his determination. He is without any blemish. He is all pervading. He is always satisfied. He does not require any assistance from anyone. He is of black colour. He is eternally young. His eyes are of red colour. He is one with a bright face. He is very restricted  in his speech. He is one whose hands are long and touch the knee. He is having an attractive face.  He has his shoulders resembling a lion. He has long arms. He is ever truthful. He is endowed with all great gunas.. or nice qualities. He is self-effulgent. He is having a pronounced aura. He is the driving force behind time. He is Bhagavan. He is time personified.  He operates the wheel of time. He is Narayana. He is of exalted shine. He is paramatma. He is sanatana. He is the creator of the universe. He is the controller of the universe. He, in the form of living beings which are moved by his grace, enjoys the products of the universe. He is eternal. He is the lord of the universe. He has assumed the form of Universe. He is the soul of the universe. He is the manifestation and shape of the universe. He is the friend of all living beings. He is calm.  He keeps the whole universe in motion. He is the Iswara of all the Gods. He is manifest in everything in the universe. He is Sreeman.  He is affectionate to those who depend entirely on him. He has the power to reach everywhere. He is the master of all living beings. He represents the essence of existence of all beings. He dwells inside all creations.  He is the remove of darkness in the form of avidya. He is Narayana. He is the supreme soul. He is without beginning or end.  He is the creator.  He is the prajapti.  He is Hari. He is narasimha.  He is Hrishiikesha. He is the soul of all creations. He is the one who can see everything.  He is attractive.
जगतस्तस्थुषश्चैव प्रभुर्नेता सनातनः
कर्ता धाता विधाता च सर्वेषां प्रभुरीश्वरः॥ १११॥
सहस्रमूर्तिर्विश्वात्मा विष्णुर्विश्वदृगव्ययः।
पुराणपुरुषः स्रष्टा सहस्राक्षः सहस्रपात्‌॥ ११२॥
तत्त्वं नारायणो विष्णुर्वासुदेवः सनातनः।
परमात्मा परं ब्रह्म सच्चिदानन्दविग्रहः॥ ११३॥
परंज्योतिः परंधामः पराकाशः परात्परः।
अच्युतः पुरुषः कृष्णः शाश्वतः शिव ईश्वरः॥ ११४॥
नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुरुग्रः साक्षी प्रजापतिः।
हिरण्यगर्भः सविता लोककृल्लोकभृद्विभुः॥ ११५॥
रामः श्रीमान्‌ महाविष्णुर्जिष्णुर्देवहितावहः।
तत्वात्मा तारकं ब्रह्म शाश्वतः सर्वसिद्धिदः॥ ११६॥
अकारवाच्योभगवान्‌ श्रीर्भूलीलापतिः पुमान्‌।
सर्वलोकेश्वरः श्रीमान्‌ सर्वज्ञः सर्वतोमुखः॥ ११७॥
स्वामी सुशीलः सुलभः सर्वज्ञः सर्वशक्तिमान्‌।
नित्यः सम्पूर्णकामश्च नैसर्गिकसुहृत्सुखी॥ ११८॥
कृपापीयूषजलधिश्शरण्यः सर्वदेहिनाम्‌।
श्रीमान्नारायणः स्वामी जगतां पतिरीश्वरः॥ ११९॥
श्रीशः शरण्यो भूतानां संश्रिताभीष्टदायकः।
अनन्तः श्रीपती रामो गुणभृन्निर्गुणो महान्‌॥ १२०॥
jagatastasthuṣaścaiva prabhurnetā sanātanaḥ
kartā dhātā vidhātā ca sarveṣāṁ prabhurīśvaraḥ || 111||
sahasramūrtirviśvātmā viṣṇurviśvadṛgavyayaḥ |
purāṇapuruṣaḥ sraṣṭā sahasrākṣaḥ sahasrapāt || 112||
tattvaṁ nārāyaṇo viṣṇurvāsudevaḥ sanātanaḥ |
paramātmā paraṁ brahma saccidānandavigrahaḥ || 113||
paraṁjyotiḥ paraṁdhāmaḥ parākāśaḥ parātparaḥ |
acyutaḥ puruṣaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ śāśvataḥ śiva īśvaraḥ || 114||
nityaḥ sarvagataḥ sthāṇurugraḥ sākṣī prajāpatiḥ |
hiraṇyagarbhaḥ savitā lokakṛllokabhṛdvibhuḥ || 115||
rāmaḥ śrīmān mahāviṣṇurjiṣṇurdevahitāvahaḥ |
tatvātmā tārakaṁ brahma śāśvataḥ sarvasiddhidaḥ || 116||
akāravācyobhagavān śrīrbhūlīlāpatiḥ pumān |
sarvalokeśvaraḥ śrīmān sarvajñaḥ sarvatomukhaḥ || 117||
svāmī suśīlaḥ sulabhaḥ sarvajñaḥ sarvaśaktimān |
nityaḥ sampūrṇakāmaśca naisargikasuhṛtsukhī || 118||
kṛpāpīyūṣajaladhiśśaraṇyaḥ sarvadehinām |
śrīmānnārāyaṇaḥ svāmī jagatāṁ patirīśvaraḥ || 119||
śrīśaḥ śaraṇyo bhūtānāṁ saṁśritābhīṣṭadāyakaḥ |
anantaḥ śrīpatī rāmo guṇabhṛnnirguṇo mahān || 120||
॥ इति श्रीरामसहस्रनामस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्‌॥
|| iti śrīrāmasahasranāmastotraṁ sampūrṇam ||

He is all-pervading. He is the master of the universe. He is the lord and deity of the whole world. He is the master of birth, existence and end  of the beings in the universe. He is "the God". He is the one who provides welfare and prosperity to all. He is without any destruction. He is eternal. He is without end. He is bereft of diminution or enhancement. He is blemish less. He is beyond all qualities. He is minute in nature. He is not moved by any emotions. He is spotlessly pure. He is beyond all conditions. He is indwelling always in eminent things. He is the one with power of carrying out great  things. He is the one who bestows great bounties on  the devotees. He is eternal. He is the paramatman. He is the sanatana. He is unshakeable in his determination. He is without any blemish. He is all pervading. He is always satisfied. He does not require any assistance from anyone. He is of black colour. He is eternally young. His eyes are of red colour. He is one with a bright face. He is very restricted  in his speech. He is one whose hands are long and touch the knee. He is having an attractive face.  He has his shoulders resembling a lion. He has long arms. He is ever truthful. He is endowed with all great gunas.. or nice qualities. He is self-effulgent. He is having a pronounced aura. He is the driving force behind time. He is Bhagavan. He is time personified.  He operates the wheel of time. He is Narayana. He is of exalted shine. He is paramatma. He is sanatana. He is the creator of the universe. He is the controller of the universe.  He, in the form of living beings which are moved by his grace, enjoys the products of the universe. He is eternal. He is the lord of the universe. He has assumed the form of Universe. He is the soul of the universe. He is the manifestation and shape of the universe. He is the friend of all living beings. He is calm.  He keeps the whole universe in motion. He is the Iswara of all the Gods. He is manifest in everything in the universe. He is Sreeman.  He is affectionate to those who depend entirely on him. He has the power to reach everywhere. He is the master of all living beings. He represents the essence of existence of all beings. He dwells inside all creations.  He is the remover of darkness in the form of avidya. He is Narayana. He is the supreme soul. He is without beginning or end.  He is the creator.  He is the Prajapti.  He is Hari.  He is narasimha.  He is Hrishiikesha. He is the soul of all creations. He is the one who can see everything.  He is attractive.

He is the pair of eyes of the world. He is the master of the world. He is sanatana. He is the doer. He is the giver. He is the lawgiver Brahma himself. He is the  Lord and master of all. He is of thousand forms.  He is the soul of the universe. He is the Vishnu. He is the one who sees the whole universe. He is bereft of any diminution. He is the primordial purusha described in Puranas. He is the creator. He is of thousand eyes.  He is of thousand legs. He is the great principle. He is Narayana. He is Vishnu.  He is Vasudeva. He is sanatana. He is the supreme soul. He is the supreme Brahman. He is the personification of sat chit aananda.  He is the supreme effulgence.  He is the supreme abode. He is the supreme aakaasha. (sky). He is ever exalted over the most exalted. He is Achyuta. He is Purusha. He is Krishna. He is the eternal being.  He is Shiva. He is Eashwara. He is everlasting. He is all-pervading. He is very static. He is virulent. He is the witness.  He is the prajapati. He is the Hiranyagarbha.  He is the sun. He is the creator of the universe. He is the enjoyer of the universe. He is the supreme master. He is Rama.  He is Sreemaan. He is Mahavishnu. He is always victorious. He is keen to ensure the welfare of gods. He is the essence of Tattwa.  He is the Taaraka (the holy name) personified. He is the supreme soul. He is eternal.  He is the source of all good results for his devotees. He is praised by the syllable A.  He is the bhagavan. He is the consort of Laksmi, Bhumi and Leela. He is the master of the whole universe. He is Sriman. He knows everything. He has faces in all directions.  He is the master. He is of sterling character. He is easily attainable for devotees. He is the greatest scholar. He is endowed with all Shaktis. He is eternal. He bestows on his devotees all the desired results wholly. He is a friend to all by nature. He gives comfort to all. He is the ocean of the nectar of compassion. He is the one on whom all living beings can take refuge.  He is sreeman Narayana.  He is the lord of the world. He is the Easwara. He is the consort of Lakshmi.  He is the refuge of the world. He fulfils all the desires of the people who are dependent on him. He is the eternal. He is Sreepathi. He is Rama. He is the treasure house of all good qualities.   He is the great godhead situated above all qualities.
Thus is complete the thousand holy names of Sri Rama.

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