Sunday, February 02, 2014

Unity in diversity

मृत्पिण्डमेकं बहुभाण्डरूपं
सुवर्णमेकं बहुभूषणात्मकं। 
गोक्षीरमेकं बहुधेनुजातं 
ब्रह्मैकमेव बहुदेहवर्ती॥

mṛtpiṇḍamekaṁ bahubhāṇḍarūpaṁ
suvarṇamekaṁ bahubhūṣaṇātmakaṁ| 
gokṣīramekaṁ bahudhenujātaṁ 
brahmaikameva bahudehavartī|| 

The clay is only one even if a lot of pots are made from it. 
The gold is one an the same though lots and lots of ornaments are made from it 
The breeds and colours of cows may vary, but the milk is having the same composition 
Likewise, the Supreme being is one, although It manifests in many bodies. 

(Bahubhaanda roopam mruth pindam ekam eva.. Bahubhooshanaatmakam suvarnamamapi ekam. Api cha bahudhenu jaatham goksheeram api ekam. 
Bahu deha vartee brahma api ekam eva.. )

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