Friday, May 09, 2014



श्री नरसिंहाष्टकम्

श्रीमदकळङ्क परिपूर्ण शशिकोटि श्रीधर मनोहर सटापटल कान्त।
पालय कृपालय भवांभुदि निमग्नं दैत्यवरकाल नरसिंह नरसिंह॥१॥
पादकमलावनत पातकि जनानां पातक दवानल पतत्रिवरकेतो।
भावन परायण भवार्त्तिहरया मां पाहि कृपयैव नरसिंह नरसिंह॥२॥
तुङ्गनखपङ्क्तिदलितासुरवरासृक् पङ्कनव कुङ्कुम विपङ्किल महोर।
पण्डित निधान कमलालय नमस्ते पङ्कज निषण्ण नरसिंह नरसिंह॥३॥
मौळिषु विभूषणमिवामर वराणां योगि हृदयेषु च शिरस्सु निगमानां।
राजदरविन्द रुचिरं पदयुगं ते देहि मम मूर्ध्नि नरसिंह नरसिंह।४॥
वारिज विलोचन मदन्तिम दशायाम् क्ळेश विवशीकृत समस्त्करणायां।
एहि रमया सह शरण्य विहगानां नाथमधिरुह्य नरसिंह नरसिंह॥५॥
हाटक किरीट वरहार वनमाला ताररशना मकरकुण्डल मणीन्द्रैः
भूषितमशेष निलयं तव वपुर्मे चेतसि चकास्तु नरसिंह नरसिंह॥६॥
इन्दुरविपावकविलोचन रमायाः मन्दिर महाभुजलसद्वर रथाङ्ग
सुन्दर चिराय रमतां त्वयि मनो मे नन्दित सुरेश नरसिंह नरसिंह॥७॥
माधव मुकुन्द मधुसूदन मुरारे वामन नृसिंह शरणम् भव नतानाम्
कामद घृणिन् निखिलकारण न येयं कालममरेश नरसिंह नरसिंह॥८॥
अष्टकमिदं सकल पातक भयघ्नं कामदमशेषदुरितामय रिपुघ्नम्।
यः पढति सन्ततमशेषनिलयं ते गच्छति पदं स नरसिंह नरसिंह॥
śrī narasiṁhāṣṭakam
śrīmadakaḻaṅka paripūrṇa śaśikoṭi śrīdhara manohara saṭāpaṭala kānta|
pālaya kṛpālaya bhavāṁbhudi nimagnaṁ daityavarakāla narasiṁha narasiṁha ||1||
pādakamalāvanata pātaki janānāṁ pātaka davānala patatrivaraketo|
bhāvana parāyaṇa bhavārttiharayā māṁ pāhi kṛpayaiva narasiṁha narasiṁha||2||
tuṅganakhapaṅktidalitāsuravarāsṛk paṅkanava kuṅkuma vipaṅkila mahora|
paṇḍita nidhāna kamalālaya namaste paṅkaja niṣaṇṇa narasiṁha narasiṁha||3||
mauḻiṣu vibhūṣaṇamivāmara varāṇāṁ yogi hṛdayeṣu ca śirassu nigamānāṁ|
rājadaravinda ruciraṁ padayugaṁ te dehi mama mūrdhni narasiṁha narasiṁha |4||
vārija vilocana madantima daśāyām kḻeśa vivaśīkṛta samastkaraṇāyāṁ|
ehi ramayā saha śaraṇya vihagānāṁ nāthamadhiruhya narasiṁha narasiṁha ||5||
hāṭaka kirīṭa varahāra vanamālā tāraraśanā makarakuṇḍala maṇīndraiḥ
bhūṣitamaśeṣa nilayaṁ tava vapurme cetasi cakāstu narasiṁha narasiṁha||6||
induravipāvakavilocana ramāyāḥ mandira mahābhujalasadvara rathāṅga
sundara cirāya ramatāṁ tvayi mano me nandita sureśa narasiṁha narasiṁha ||7||
mādhava mukunda madhusūdana murāre vāmana nṛsiṁha śaraṇam bhava natānām
kāmada ghṛṇin nikhilakāraṇa na yeyaṁ kālamamareśa narasiṁha narasiṁha||8||
aṣṭakamidaṁ sakala pātaka bhayaghnaṁ kāmadamaśeṣaduritāmaya ripughnam|
yaḥ paḍhati santatamaśeṣanilayaṁ te gacchati padaṁ sa narasiṁha narasiṁha||

Great Lord NarasimHa, you wears the slendour of a crore of moons without flaw, you wear Lakshmi on your bosom, you are attractive to the mind, you shine with the reddish hairy mane, you are the embodiment of mercy, may you be pleased to protet me with your infinite mercy..1..

Great Lord Narasimha, you are the wildfire that inundates completed the mass of sins committed by people who take refuge on your lotus feet, you are having the great leader of birds (Garuda) as the insignia in your flagstaff, you are merciful and considerate to all who meditate upon you, may your Grace be pleased to protect me with your eternal mercy and compassion..2..
Great Lord Narasimha, your immense chest is of fresh dark-red(kumkuma) hue caused by the blood of the strong demon(Hiranyakshipu) flowing from his body shorn and mutilated by your array of strong and sharp fingernails. You are the rallying point for all the scholars. Kamala the Lakshmi stays in you and you are reclining on a lotus.. My humble prostarations to your Grace..3..
Great Lord Narasimha, (marks of ) your pair of lotus feet shines like ornament in the crown of the eminent gods..they shine in the heart of yogins.. they reveal themselves at the head of the greatest scriptures(Vedas).. may Your Grace be pleased to place those lotus feet on my bowed head..4..
Great Lord Narasimha, You possessing eyes resembling Lotuses, may your Grace be pleased to come rushing to me to receive me at the end of my life, an end which is caused by the failure of all organs, ..and may you be pleased to visit me in my last minutes ..accompanied by Rama and seated on the mount of that master of birds ( the eternal Vainateya the Garuda) ..5..
Great Lord Narasimha, may your Grace’s eminent presence remain eternally in my mind.. You wear a golden head gear (kireetam), attractive necklaces as also garlands made of wild and holy flowers, your eardrops are in the shape of crocodiles and studded with precious gems reflecting the lustre like that of shining stars, and your holy body is the rallying point of all things in the universe..6..
Great Lord Narasimha, may you pleased to enable me to keep my mind fixed enjoying your glorious form, You are having three eyes formed by the moon, the sun and the fire, you are the abode of Rema the Lakshmi, you have very long and strong hand adorned with the shining wheel of a chariot, you have the most attractive form..7..
Great Lord Narasimha, you are the Madhava ( slayer of Madhu), Mukunda, Madhusoodhana, Murari ( the enemy of demon Mura), you are the Vamana, You have assumed the lion-human form, May you be the refuge to all who come in supplication before you, you grant to your devotees all their desire, you are the most resplendent in your own aura, you are the source of existence for all beings. May your Grace be pleased and may the God of death Kaala never come near me..8..

This Astakam praising Narasimha , when recited, destroys all sins and fears, grants all wishes, relieves one of the effects of all evil deeds, cures one of all maladies and diseases, decimates all the enmies, and finally enables one to reach the eternal abode of the Lord.. under the protection of His glorious feet..

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