Thursday, June 19, 2014

Law of Success

Law of Success

अष्ठौ गुणा पुरुषं दीपयन्ति प्रज्ञा सुशीलत्वदमौ श्रुतं च।
पराक्रमश्चाबहुभाषिता च दानं यदाशक्ति कृतज्ञता च॥
aṣṭhau guṇā puruṣaṁ dīpayanti prajñā suśīlatvadamau śrutaṁ ca|
parākramaścābahubhāṣitā ca dānaṁ yadāśakti kṛtajñatā ca||

Eight virtues possessed by a person enables him to become outstanding (and shining) in the society.
1. Prajnaa... Intellect
2. Susheelatwam.. Exemplary character
3. Damam -- Self-control
4.Shrutam -- Knowledge in scriptures, lores and local practices
5. ParaakramaH -- Valour, boldness, physical fitness
6. Abahubhaashitaa-- Capacity to keep words to the minimum, keeping the mouth shut
7. Daanam -- Offering of presents and help for the needy
8 Yadaashakti Kritanjnataa -- Being grateful especially within ones own means

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