Saturday, July 26, 2014

a question of compatibility..

मृगा मृगैः सङ्गमुपव्रजन्ति गावश्च गोभिस्तुरगास्तुरङ्गैः।

मूर्खाश्च मूर्खैः सुधयः सुधीभिः समानशीलव्यसनेषु सख्यं॥

mṛgā mṛgaiḥ saṅgamupavrajanti gāvaśca gobhisturagāsturaṅgaiḥ|
mūrkhāśca mūrkhaiḥ sudhayaḥ sudhībhiḥ samānaśīlavyasaneṣu sakhyaṁ||
മൃഗാഃ മൃഗൈഃ സംഗമുപവ്രജന്തി ഗാവശ്ച ഗോഭിസ്തുരഗാസ്തുരന്ഗൈഃ
മൂര്ഖാശ്ച മൂര്‍ഖൈ: സുധയഃ സുധീഭിഃ സമാനശീലവ്യസനേഷു സഖ്യം
Deers flock  nicely with  other Deers
Cows share stables with other cows in great comfort
Horses gallop in the company of other horses
Idiotic and adamant people revel in the company of similar people
Men of wisdom seek the company of enlightened peers
sustained friendship can be kept only among people
with similar mindsets
placed in comparable environs
In fact so much of trouble in the society arises from flocking together donkeys, monkeys, horses and elephants all together..

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