Monday, September 15, 2014

birthday wishes, my lovely Krishna

birthday wishes, my lovely Krishna
सहैव हर्षेण सुधाशनानां सहैव पुण्येन वसुन्धरायाः।
भयेन भोजाधिपतेश्च देवः सहेव गर्भे ववृधे मुकुन्दः॥३४
इति प्रवृत्ते समये घनानां मासे नभस्ये निशि मध्यमायाम्। 
मणे शुभाख्यायिनि च ग्रहाणां देवक्युवाह प्रसवाभिमुख्यम्॥४९
हरत्सु बाह्यं भुवनस्य तापं प्रावृट्प्रसूतेषु वलाहकेषु।
असूत तस्यान्तरतापशान्त्यै कृष्णांबुवाहं कृपयेव देवी॥५०
दिशः प्रसेदुः सह निम्नगाभिः जहर्ष लोकेन सहांबुराशिः।
जाते मुकुन्दे मुमुचुश्च सद्यः भयेन देवाः सह पुष्पवृष्टिम्॥५१
मनोभिरामेण मधुव्रतानां नादेन शंसन्निव दिष्टवृद्धिम्।
चचार वायुः सुमनोऽम्शुकानि सम्प्राप्य सम्प्राप्य महीरुहेभ्यः॥५२
sahaiva harṣeṇa sudhāśanānāṁ sahaiva puṇyena vasundharāyāḥ|
bhayena bhojādhipateśca devaḥ saheva garbhe vavṛdhe mukundaḥ||34
iti pravṛtte samaye ghanānāṁ māse nabhasye niśi madhyamāyām| 
maṇe śubhākhyāyini ca grahāṇāṁ devakyuvāha prasavābhimukhyam||49
haratsu bāhyaṁ bhuvanasya tāpaṁ prāvṛṭprasūteṣu valāhakeṣu|
asūta tasyāntaratāpaśāntyai kṛṣṇāṁbuvāhaṁ kṛpayeva devī||50
diśaḥ praseduḥ saha nimnagābhiḥ jaharṣa lokena sahāṁburāśiḥ|
jāte mukunde mumucuśca sadyaḥ bhayena devāḥ saha puṣpavṛṣṭim||51
manobhirāmeṇa madhuvratānāṁ nādena śaṁsanniva diṣṭavṛddhim|
cacāra vāyuḥ sumano'mśukāni samprāpya samprāpya mahīruhebhyaḥ||52

The birth of that Immortal Krishna is described in great vividity by Sukumarakavi in his Sreekrishnavilasakavyam.. Canto 2

First the glorious news that Devaki has conceived the Lord in her blessed womb is announced like this..
That Mukunda grew to full health in the womb of Devaki, and along with that,
The jubilation of the Gods who partook in ambrosia started to grow,
The good fortune of the Mother earth who contains in her all living beings was on the increase.
The nightmarish terror in the mind of Kamsa the ruler of Bhoja Kingdom started to swell to diabolic terror..

Krishna is born.
It was the rainy season. 
The black clouds roared in the sky. During a midnight in the Proshtapada Month.. ( Kannya) the planets led by the Sun were all vying with one another to position themselves most favourably, mother Devaki started to feel the delivery pain.


Just as the black clouds were pouring their waters in abundance to give relief to the earth from the scorching heat of the sun, 
Devi Devaki Gave birth to the black Cloud by name Krishna,
the black cloud that has come to shower its mercy on the earth and its beings 
and relieve them of all inner and outer sufferings
When Krishna was born the whole earth with all the four cardinal points rejoiced, and the water reservoirs threw up their waters which showered down upon Him as cool rains.. 
The celestial beings threw down their fears and inhibition and also showered fragrant flowers from heaven on the Lord of Lords Keshava

The cool gentle breeze hovered around everywhere in jubilation carrying the sweet droning of the bees as if announcing the sweet tiding that Mukunda is born, and carrying with it the aroma of the flowers which were blooming in the the night..

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