Friday, December 19, 2014

man and his monkey

A man and his monkey were walking along a village road, the man carrying a stick in addition.. 
The man saw a round waste can lying waste at the centre of the road..

He just brandished the stick cricketer-style and hit the can, and it flew a long way, if not for a sixer. 
The monkey was watching with interest.. 
They were walking on. 
The man left the monkey and the stick too in the middle of the road and walked to the side to ease himself.. 
There was a potter's house where mud pots were being made, burned in the oven and stacked in a big row one pot upon the other.. 
The monkey remembered his master's earlier flourish with a round can and though of the round mud pots too.. He rightly presumed that the time was ripe for the cricketing contact between the pots and the stick and choosing the pot in the lowest row as his ball, and put the presumption into action..
The result is history..

Broken pots, the vanishing monkey, the bolting owner of the pot, the shouting potter and finally the stick lying silently on the roadside, and of course the broken heart of the potter

A good lesson to support swacchatha activists.. No one should leave trash in the middle of the road.. And none should retire to the roadside to ease himself..

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