Sunday, January 29, 2017

blessing or bonanza?

मात्रा समं नास्ति शरीरपोषणं चिन्तासमं नास्ति शरीरशोषणम्।

भार्यासमं नास्ति शरीरतोषणं विद्यासमं नास्ति शरीरभूषणम्॥
mātrā samaṁ nāsti śarīrapoṣaṇaṁ cintāsamaṁ nāsti śarīraśoṣaṇam|
bhāryāsamaṁ nāsti śarīratoṣaṇaṁ vidyāsamaṁ nāsti śarīrabhūṣaṇam||
मात्रा समं शरीरपोषणं (अन्यत्र) न अस्ति   There can be nothing more nourishing to the body than the care of the mother.
चिन्ता समं शरीरशोषणम् न अस्ति    There can be nothing more destructive to health than tension and anxiety.
भार्या समं शरीर तोषणम् अन्यत्र न अस्ति    No other person can give happiness to the body in a better way than one's own wife.
विद्या समं शरीर भूषणं किञ्चिदपि न अस्ति    There cannot be any better ornament other than knowledge that could add attractiveness to the body,

There can be nothing more nourishing to the body than the care of the mother.
There can be nothing more destructive to health than tension and anxiety.
No other person can give happiness to the body in a better way than one's own wife.
No other person can give happiness to the body in a better way than one's own wife.
I do not know whether all will agree about the role of the wife..
Similarly, many may not agree about education.. Gold, diamond, platinum etc and Silk and denim and deodorant sprays might be the ultimate in adding attractiveness for many..

I found this slokam in a compilation called Neeti Sookthi.. 
I do not know more than this about the authorship of the Sanskrit verse..
And for me the authorship makes little difference, 
I agree heartily with the content

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