Monday, February 06, 2017

do it now...

श्वः कार्यमद्य कुर्वीत पूर्वाह्ने चापराह्निकम्।
नहि प्रतीक्षते मृत्युः कृतम् वास्य न वा कृतम्॥
महाभारते शान्तिपर्वणि २७७ -३
śvaḥ kāryamadya kurvīta pūrvāhne cāparāhnikam|
nahi pratīkṣate mṛtyuḥ kṛtam vāsya na vā kṛtam||
mahābhārate śāntiparvaṇi 277 -3

a great quote from the epic Mahabharatam

नरः man श्वः कार्यं what is to be done tomorrow
अद्य कुर्वीत should do today
आपराह्निकं कार्यं what is to be done in the afternoon
पूर्वाह्ने कुर्वीत च should do it in the forenoon too
यतः because
मृत्युः death
अस्य कार्यं his task
कृतं वा न कृतं इति whether completed or not
न प्रतीक्षते हि. does not wait for.
महाभारते शान्तिपर्वणि २७७ -३

A person should complete today itself a task which he is expected to complete tomorrow
He should complete his task of this afternoon, this forenoon itself.
Because when death comes, it does not wait to see whether a work is completed or not..

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