Wednesday, February 22, 2017


(We mediate on this form of the Lord at the time of Chanting Sri Rudram or Shatarudreeyam..)
पीठं यस्य धरित्री जलधरकलशं लिङ्गमाकाशमूर्तिम्
नक्षत्रं पुष्पमाल्यं ग्रहगणकुसुमं चन्द्रवह्न्यर्कनेत्रम्।
कुक्षिः सप्तसमुद्रं भुजगिरिशिखरं सप्तपाताळपादम्
वेदं वक्त्रं षडङ्गं दशदिश वसनं दिव्यलिङ्गं नमामि॥
pīṭhaṁ yasya dharitrī jaladharakalaśaṁ liṅgamākāśamūrtim
nakṣatraṁ puṣpamālyaṁ grahagaṇakusumaṁ candravahnyarkanetram|
kukṣiḥ saptasamudraṁ bhujagiriśikharaṁ saptapātāḻapādam
vedaṁ vaktraṁ ṣaḍaṅgaṁ daśadiśa vasanaṁ divyaliṅgaṁ namāmi||
piiThaM yasya dharitrii jaladharakalashaM li~NgamaakaashamUrtim
nakSatraM puSpamaalyaM grahagaNakusumaM chandravahnyarkanetram.
kukSiH saptasamudraM bhujagirishikharaM saptapaataaLapaadam
vedaM vaktraM SaDa~NgaM dashadisha vasanaM divyali~NgaM namaami..
लिङ्गमाकाशमूर्तिम् दिव्यलिङ्गं नमामि यस्य पीठं धरित्री जलधरकलशं यस्य पुष्पमाल्यं नक्षत्रं ग्रहगणकुसुमं चन्द्रवह्न्यर्कनेत्रम् यस्य कुक्षिः सप्तसमुद्रं भुजगिरिशिखरं सप्तपाताळपादम्
यस्य वक्त्रं षडङ्गं वेदं दशदिश वसनं
I offer pranams to that Divine Linga ( The Lord of Lords Shiva the Shankara 
whose form is spread in transperant form all over the Sky,
whose seat is the whole earth,
whose waterpot is the collection of clouds laden with water, whose flower garland is the collection of stars with planets as flowers,
whose three eyes are the Moon, the Sun and the Fire,
whose belly is the seven seas (see Note 1 below),
whose arms are the peaks of the mountains spread over the earth, whose legs are the seven Paathaalaas or the worlds below the earth.. (atala, vitala, sutala, rasatala, talaatala, mahaatala, paataala),
whose mouth is the Vedas (Rk, Yajus, Sama Atharva) along with their six limbs ( chanda, vyakarana, kalpa, jyotisha, niruktha and sheeksha)
and whose clothes are just the ten directions [east, south east, south, south west, west, north west, north , north east, up ( the sky) and down.. below the earth]
Note 1.
Seven Islands and the Seven seas surrounding them according to Vishnupuranam and Devibhagavatham..
According to our puranic lore, the earth consists of seven islands, which are in turn surrounded by seven oceans..
They are.. Jambudvipa.. (our own land ).. surrounded by Lavana or salt waters.
Plakshadvipa.. surrounded by waters of cane juice. Ikshu 
Kusha dveepa Surrounded by waters of Ghee Sarpi 
Krauncha Dveepa Surrounded by waters of curd.. Dadhi
Saka Dveepa… Surrounded by waters of Milk… Ksheera
Saalmalee Dveepa ..Surrounded by water of liquor…Suraa
Pushkara Dveepa … Surrounded by pure waters or Suddhodaka..

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