Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Our mind and body just exist for Krishna's Service

Our mind and body just exist for Krishna's Service 

जिह्वे कीर्तय केशवं मुररिपुं चेतो भज श्रीधरम्।

पाणिद्वन्द्व समर्चयाच्युतकथाः श्रोत्रद्वय त्वं शृणु॥
कृष्णं लोकय लोचनद्वय हरेर्गच्छाङ्घ्रियुग्मालयं।
जिघ्र घ्राण मुकुन्दपादतुलसीं मूर्धन् नमाधोक्षजम्॥

jihve kīrtaya keśavaṁ muraripuṁ ceto bhaja śrīdharam|
pāṇidvandva samarcayācyutakathāḥ śrotradvaya tvaṁ śṛṇu||
kṛṣṇaṁ lokaya locanadvaya harergacchāṅghriyugmālayaṁ|
jighra ghrāṇa mukundapādatulasīṁ mūrdhan namādhokṣajam||

From Mukundamala of Kulasekshara Azhvar..


My tongue you praise keshava, that divine being with attractive hair, the lord who killed the demon Kesi 
My Mind you worship that lord who is the enemy of the demon Mura 
My pair of hands you offer flowers in archana to the Lord who wears mother Lakshmi in his bosom.
My pair of ears, you feel happy to listen to the beautiful stories of that lord Achyuta,, the one who can never have any fall from his exalted position and the one whose dependents can never have any fall.
My pair of eyes, you see that Krishna, the black fellow who attracts everything towards Him
My pair of feet you walk briskly in the direction of the temple where that Hari resides.. the Hari.. the Lion, the Hari who destroys all sins of the devotess.
My nostrils, you two find ecstacy in enjoying the fragrance of the Tulasi leaves that have adorned the lotus beet of Mukunda. Mukunda the liberator of the devotees from all sins, Mukunda the one who is valuable as a precious gem.
My head you fall at the feet of Adhokshaja.. the one whose knowledge and prowess are beyond limits of our thoughts..


जिह्वे केशवं कीर्तय My tongue you praise keshava, that divine being with attractive hair, the lord who killed the demon Kesi 
चेत मुररिपुं भज My Mind you worship that lord who is the enemy of the demon Mura 
पाणिद्वन्द्व श्रीधरम् समर्चय My pair of hands you offer flowers in archana to the Lord who wears mother Lakshmi in his bosom.
श्रोत्रद्वय त्वं अच्युतकथा शृणु My pair of ears, you feel happy to listen to the beautiful stories of that lord Achyuta,, the one who can never have any fall from his exalted position and the one whose dependents can never have any fall.
लोचनद्वय कृष्णं लोचय My pair of eyes, you see that Krishna, the black fellow who attracts everything towards Him
अङ्घ्रियुग्म हरेः आलयं गच्छ My pair of feet you walk briskly in the direction of the temple where that Hari resides.. the Hari.. the Lion, the Hari who destroys all sins of the devotess.
जिघ्र मुकुन्दपाद तुलसीं घ्राण My nostrils, you two find ecstacy in enjoying the fragrance of the Tulasi leaves that have adorned the lotus beet of Mukunda. Mukunda the liberator of the devotees from all sins, Mukunda the one who is valuable as a precious gem.

मूर्धन् अधोक्षजं नम My head you fall at the feet of Adhokshaja.. the one whose knowledge and prowess are beyond limits of our thoughts..

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