Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Description or Dhyana Slokam of Mother Gayatri

मुक्ताविद्रुमहेमनीलधवळच्छायैः त्रीक्ष्णैः मुखैः
युक्तामिन्दुकलानिबद्धमकुटाम् तत्वार्त्थवर्ण्णात्मिकाम्।
गायत्रीम् वरदाभयाङ्कुशकशाः शुभ्रम् कपालम् गदाम्
शङ्खम् चक्र्मदारविन्दयुगळम् हस्तैर्वहन्तीम् भजे॥
muktāvidrumahemanīladhavaḻacchāyaiḥ trīkṣṇaiḥ mukhaiḥ
yuktāmindukalānibaddhamakuṭām tatvārtthavarṇṇātmikām|
gāyatrīm varadābhayāṅkuśakaśāḥ śubhram kapālam gadām
śaṅkham cakrmadāravindayugaḻam hastairvahantīm bhaje||
I pray with great reverence and depend entirely for my welfare on Mother Gayatri 
Who has five faces with the colours of 
Pearl (Shiny Trasparency)
Coral (the red )
Golden yellow
Saphire blue 
spotless white
each face having three eyes
Who has her crown bound with the fresh bright crescent of the moon
Who is the embodiment of the Chaturvimshati tattwas in her holy twentyfour letters ( or alternately containing in her letters which would explain and reveal all the great knowledge available anywhere)
who in her hands wield
the Varada Mudra.. the benedictory gesture of the hand showing that she is granting her devotees all the boons and welfare
the Abhaya Mudra.. the benedictory gesture of the hand indicating that she is offering protection to all those who fall at here lotus feet in supplication
a goad.. the weapon used to control the elephant
a whip
a white human skull
a mace 
a conch
a discus
a pair of lotuses
This is the simple meaning of the Dhyanaslokam of Mother Gayatri.. But there have been many interpretation on each of her aspects.. that would fill in hundreds of volumes..
abhaya murdra.. open palm with all the fingers held up 
varada mudra open palm with all the fingers held down.

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