Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Suryamandala Stotram..

Suryamandala Stotram..

This is a great hymn in praise of the ever manifest Divine being, Sun.. The most important Hindu hymn and prayer in Vedas, 
Rigveda to be precise, 
is Savitri.. which is called Gayatri 
because of its composition in the meter of that name It is is praise of Savita, the deity of the Sun.
This Stotram also contains in it the spirit of the Mahamantra, Gayatri. 
नमः सवित्रे जगदेकचक्षुषे जगत्प्रसूति स्थिति नाश हेतवे। 
त्रयीमयाय त्रिगुणात्म धारिणे। विरिञ्चि नारायण शङ्करात्मने॥ १॥ 

namaḥ savitre jagadekacakṣuṣe jagatprasūti sthiti nāśa hetave| 
trayīmayāya triguṇātma dhāriṇe| viriñci nārāyaṇa śaṅkarātmane|| 1|| 

Pranams to the Sun, Savita (the source of all that is great) who is the sole pair of eyes for the entire universe 
Who is the cause for birth, existence and destruction of the whole universe 
Who is the quintessence of the three Vedas, Rik,Yajus and Sama Who contains in whom the essence of the three Gunas Sattva, Rajas and Tams Who is the soul of Virinja the Brahma, Narayana theVishnu and Shankara, the Shiva 

नमोस्तु सूर्याय सहस्ररश्मये सहस्रशाखान्वित सम्भवात्मने। सहस्र योगोद्भवभूतिभागिने सहस्रसंख्यायुगधारिणे नम:।। namostu sooryaaya sahasrarashmaye sahasrashaakhaanvita sambhavaatmane.. sahasrayododbahavabhooti bhaagine sahasrasankhyaayudha dhaarine nama 

pranams to the Sun.. who shines forth with innumerable (sahasra.. thousand) rays who is the source and origin for Vedas with innumerable Sakhas.. or who contains within him the knowledge of all that is sublime who is manifest in the form of the parabrahma who is the source of innumerable Yoga.. or who encompassed in himself all the yogas. who is carrying within himself or who is the eternal witness to all time which encompasses innumerable yugas.. or huge slices of time 

Here thousand or Sahasra indicates the innumerable or the infinite.. 

Surya is conceived as the Supreme being. 

यन्मण्डलं दीप्तिकरं विशालं रत्नप्रभं तीव्रमनादि रूपम्। 
दारिद्र्य दुखक्षयकारणं च पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ २॥ 

yanmaṇḍalaṁ dīptikaraṁ viśālaṁ ratnaprabhaṁ tīvramanādi rūpam| 
dāridrya dukhakṣayakāraṇaṁ ca punātu māṁ tatsaviturvareṇyam|| 2|| 

The abode and orb of the Sun the Savita 
which is the ultimate in its power and capacity to effectively maintain order and truth everywhere which is shining forth in utter resplendence which is having its huge area of manifestation Which is brilliantly glittering with all precious gems which is intense in its radiations, and the time of its original appearance and who original form could not be even thought of as a guess which is capable of causing annihilation of all our grief may purify and protect me.. 

यन्मण्डलं देव गणैः सुपूजितं विप्रैः स्तुतं भावनमुक्ति कोविदम्। 
तं देवदेवं प्रणमामि सूर्यं पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ३॥ 

yanmaṇḍalaṁ deva gaṇaiḥ supūjitaṁ vipraiḥ stutaṁ bhāvanamukti kovidam| 
taṁ devadevaṁ praṇamāmi sūryaṁ punātu māṁ tatsaviturvareṇyam|| 3|| 

The abode and orb of the Sun the Savita 
which is the ultimate in its power and capacity to effectively maintain order and truth everywhere which is ever worshiped hordes of celestial beings, devas which is praised in high esteem by the learned men 
which is capable of granting emancipation or moksha to all those who contemplate on it I offer my humble prostration every day to Surya the God of Gods.. may purify and protect me.. 

यन्मण्डलं ज्ञानघनं त्वगम्यं त्रैलोक्यपूज्यं त्रिगुणात्म रूपम्। 
समस्त तेजोमय दिव्यरूपं पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ४॥ 

yanmaṇḍalaṁ jñānaghanaṁ tvagamyaṁ trailokyapūjyaṁ triguṇātma rūpam| 
samasta tejomaya divyarūpaṁ punātu māṁ tatsaviturvareṇyam|| 4|| 

The abode and orb of the Sun the Savita 
which is the ultimate in its power and capacity to effectively maintain order and truth everywhere 
which is concentrated with pure knowledge 
which is not attainable with ease for laymen 
which is being worshiped in the three worlds..earth, sky and ether 
which is the manifest essence of the three gunas, sattwva, rajas and tamas 
which is the sum and substance of all resplendent forms and manifestations of the entire Divine 
may purify and protect me.. 

यन्मण्डलं गूढमतिप्रबोधं धर्मस्य वृद्धिं कुरुते जनानाम्। 
यत्सर्व पापक्षयकारणं च पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ५॥ 
yanmaṇḍalaṁ gūḍhamatiprabodhaṁ dharmasya vṛddhiṁ kurute janānām| 
yatsarva pāpakṣayakāraṇaṁ ca punātu māṁ tatsaviturvareṇyam|| 5|| 

The abode and orb of the Sun the Savita 
which is the ultimate in its power and capacity to effectively maintain order and truth everywhere 
which is capable of providing enlightenment to clouded minds and intellects 
which acts as the destroyer of all the sins incurred 
which enhances the virtuous action and enhances the effects of such action by the people 
may purify and protect me.. 

यन्मण्डलं व्याधि विनाश दक्षं यदृग्यजुः सामसु संप्रगीतम्। 
प्रकाशितं येन भूर्भुवः स्वः पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ६॥ 
yanmaṇḍalaṁ vyādhi vināśa dakṣaṁ yadṛgyajuḥ sāmasu saṁpragītam| 
prakāśitaṁ yena bhūrbhuvaḥ svaḥ punātu māṁ tatsaviturvareṇyam|| 6|| 
The abode and orb of the Sun the Savita 
which is the ultimate in its power and capacity to effectively maintain order and truth everywhere 
which is capable of relieving the living beings of all its illness and maladies 
which is praised and sung with great enthusiasam in all the three Vedas.. Rik, Yajus and Saman 
which illuminates the three worlds.. bhuH bhuvaH suvah.. the earth, the sky and the ether.. 
may purify and protect me.. 

यन्मण्डलं वेदविदो वदन्ति गायन्ति यच्चारण सिद्ध सङ्घाः। 
यद्योगिनो योगजुषां च सङ्घाः पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ७॥ 
yanmaṇḍalaṁ vedavido vadanti gāyanti yaccāraṇa siddha saṅghāḥ| 
yadyogino yogajuṣāṁ ca saṅghāḥ punātu māṁ tatsaviturvareṇyam|| 7|| 

The abode and orb of the Sun the Savita 
which is the ultimate in its power and capacity to effectively maintain order and truth everywhere 
which is described or spoken of in great reverence by the great scholars of Vedas 
about which the minstrels of the heaven, Chaaranas and Siddhaas sing with great enthusiasm 
whom the great yogis too praise 
and groups of practitioners and seekers of yogic path too sing in approval and reverence 
may purify and protect me.. 

यन्मण्डलं सर्वजनेषु पूजितं ज्योतिश्च कुर्यादिह मर्त्यलोके। 
यत्काल कल्पक्षयकारणं च पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ८॥ 

yanmaṇḍalaṁ sarvajaneṣu pūjitaṁ jyotiśca kuryādiha martyaloke| 
yatkāla kalpakṣayakāraṇaṁ ca punātu māṁ tatsaviturvareṇyam|| 8|| 

The abode and orb of the Sun the Savita 
which is the ultimate in its power and capacity to effectively maintain order and truth everywhere 
which is the subject of worship and reverence among all men which provides great resplendence too to the entire world inhabited by men 
which is the cause of time and timely functions of all phenomena of the world 
which is the cause of destruction of the whole creations at the end of kalpas may purify and protect me.. 

यन्मण्डलं विश्वसृजां प्रसिद्धं उत्पत्तिरक्षा प्रळय प्रगल्भम्। 
यस्मिञ्जगत्संहरतेऽखिलं च पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ९॥ 
yanmaṇḍalaṁ viśvasṛjāṁ prasiddhaṁ utpattirakṣā praḻaya pragalbham| 
yasmiñjagatsaṁharate'khilaṁ ca punātu māṁ tatsaviturvareṇyam|| 9|| 

The abode and orb of the Sun the Savita 
which is the ultimate in its power and capacity to effectively maintain order and truth everywhere 
which is the famous and favoured nucleus for the creators of the universe 
which is eminently capable of causing the creation.. utpatti, sustenance—raksha and destruction by final deluge.. pralayam of the universe unto which the everything reverts back and merges ultimately 
may protect and purify me 

यन्मण्डलं सर्वगतस्य विष्णोरात्मा परं धाम विशुद्धतत्त्वम्। 
सूक्ष्मान्तरैर्योगपथानुगम्यं पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ १०॥ 

yanmaṇḍalaṁ sarvagatasya viṣṇorātmā paraṁ dhāma viśuddhatattvam| 
sūkṣmāntarairyogapathānugamyaṁ punātu māṁ tatsaviturvareṇyam|| 10|| 
The abode and orb of the Sun the Savita 
which is the ultimate in its power and capacity to effectively maintain order and truth everywhere 
which is the favourite abode of Vishnu the all encompassing Lord 
which is the sacred tattvam or principle of that Lord Vishnu whose very secret inside principles are understood by those who tread the hallowed path of yoga 
may protect and purify me 

यन्मण्डलं वेदविदो विदन्ति गायन्ति तच्चारणसिद्ध सङ्घाः। 
यन्मण्डलं वेदविदो स्मरन्ति पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ११॥ 
yanmaṇḍalaṁ vedavido vidanti gāyanti taccāraṇasiddha saṅghāḥ| 
yanmaṇḍalaṁ vedavido smaranti punātu māṁ tatsaviturvareṇyam|| 11|| 

The abode and orb of the Sun the Savita 
which is the ultimate in its power and capacity to effectively maintain order and truth everywhere 
which is understood well by those who are learned in vedas 
whose glory is sung by the group of celestial minstrels Sidhdhas and Charanas which is ever remembered in deep meditation by the scholars of vedas 
may protect and purify me 

यन्मण्डलं वेदविदोपगीतं यद्योगिनां योग पथानुगम्यम्। 
तत्सर्व वेदं प्रणमामि सूर्यं पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ १२॥ 
yanmaṇḍalaṁ vedavidopagītaṁ yadyogināṁ yoga pathānugamyam| 
tatsarva vedaṁ praṇamāmi sūryaṁ punātu māṁ tatsaviturvareṇyam|| 12|| 
The abode and orb of the Sun the Savita 
which is the ultimate in its power and capacity to effectively maintain order and truth everywhere 
whose glories is ever sung by the learned scholars of Vedas 
which could be understood only by yogins and those who have embarked upon the path or sadhana of yoga 
may protect and purify me 
Daily, I offer my humble prostrations to Lord Surya who knows everything.

सूर्यमण्डल स्तोत्रं
സൂര്യമണ്ഡല സ്തോത്രം
नमः सवित्रे जगदेकचक्षुषे जगत्प्रसूति स्थिति नाश हेतवे। 
त्रयीमयाय त्रिगुणात्म धारिणे। विरिञ्चि नारायण शङ्करात्मने॥ १॥ 
यन्मण्डलं दीप्तिकरं विशालं रत्नप्रभं तीव्रमनादि रूपम्। 
दारिद्र्य दुखक्षयकारणं च पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ २॥ 
यन्मण्डलं देव गणैः सुपूजितं विप्रैः स्तुतं भावनमुक्ति कोविदम्। 
तं देवदेवं प्रणमामि सूर्यं पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ३॥ 
यन्मण्डलं ज्ञानघनं त्वगम्यं त्रैलोक्यपूज्यं त्रिगुणात्म रूपम्। 
समस्त तेजोमय दिव्यरूपं पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ४॥ 
यन्मण्डलं गूढमतिप्रबोधं धर्मस्य वृद्धिं कुरुते जनानाम्। 
यत्सर्व पापक्षयकारणं च पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ५॥ 
यन्मण्डलं व्याधि विनाश दक्षं यदृग्यजुः सामसु संप्रगीतम्। 
प्रकाशितं येन भूर्भुवः स्वः पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ६॥ 
यन्मण्डलं वेदविदो वदन्ति गायन्ति यच्चारण सिद्ध सङ्घाः। 
यद्योगिनो योगजुषां च सङ्घाः पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ७॥ 
यन्मण्डलं सर्वजनेषु पूजितं ज्योतिश्च कुर्यादिह मर्त्यलोके। 
यत्काल कल्पक्षयकारणं च पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ८॥ 
यन्मण्डलं विश्वसृजां प्रसिद्धं उत्पत्तिरक्षा प्रळय प्रगल्भम्। 
यस्मिञ्जगत्संहरतेऽखिलं च पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ९॥ 
यन्मण्डलं सर्वगतस्य विष्णोरात्मा परं धाम विशुद्धतत्त्वम्। 
सूक्ष्मान्तरैर्योगपथानुगम्यं पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ १०॥ 
यन्मण्डलं वेदविदो विदन्ति गायन्ति तच्चारणसिद्ध सङ्घाः। 
यन्मण्डलं वेदविदो स्मरन्ति पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ ११॥ 
यन्मण्डलं वेदविदोपगीतं यद्योगिनां योग पथानुगम्यम्। 
तत्सर्व वेदं प्रणमामि सूर्यं पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम्॥ १२॥ 

നമഃ സവിത്രേ ജഗദേകചക്ഷുഷേ ജഗത്പ്രസൂതി സ്ഥിതി നാശ ഹേതവേ।
ത്രയീമയായ ത്രിഗുണാത്മ ധാരിണേ വിരിഞ്ചി നാരായണ ശങ്കരാത്മനേ॥ ൧॥
യന്മണ്ഡലം ദീപ്തികരം വിശാലം രത്നപ്രഭം തീവ്രമനാദി രൂപം।
ദാരിദ്ര്യ ദുഖക്ഷയകാരണം ച പുനാതു മാം തത്സവിതുര്‍വ്വരേണ്യം॥ ൨॥
യന്മണ്ഡലം ദേവ ഗണൈഃ സുപൂജിതം വിപ്രൈഃ സ്തുതം ഭാവനമുക്തി കോവിദം।
തം ദേവദേവം പ്രണമാമി സൂര്യം പുനാതു മാം തത്സവിതുര്‍വ്വരേണ്യം॥ ൩॥
യന്മണ്ഡലം ജ്ഞാനഘനം ത്വഗമ്യം ത്രൈലോക്യപൂജ്യം ത്രിഗുണാത്മ രൂപം।
സമസ്ത തേജോമയ ദിവ്യരൂപം പുനാതു മാം തത്സവിതുര്‍വ്വരേണ്യം॥ ൪॥
യന്മണ്ഡലം ഗൂഢമതിപ്രബോധം ധര്‍മ്മസ്യ വൃദ്ധിം കുരുതേ ജനാനാം।
യത്സര്‍വ്വ പാപക്ഷയകാരണം ച പുനാതു മാം തത്സവിതുര്‍വ്വരേണ്യം॥ ൫॥
യന്മണ്ഡലം വ്യാധി വിനാശ ദക്ഷം യദൃഗ്യജുഃ സാമസു സംപ്രഗീതം।
പ്രകാശിതം യേന ഭൂര്ഭുവഃ സുവഃ പുനാതു മാം തത്സവിതുര്‍വ്വരേണ്യം॥ ൬॥
യന്മണ്ഡലം വേദവിദോ വദന്തി ഗായന്തി യച്ചാരണ സിദ്ധ സങ്ഘാഃ।
യദ്യോഗിനോ യോഗജുഷാം ച സങ്ഘാഃ പുനാതു മാം തത്സവിതുര്‍വ്വരേണ്യം॥ ൭॥
യന്മണ്ഡലം സര്‍വ്വജനേഷു പൂജിതം ജ്യോതിശ്ച കുര്യാദിഹ മര്ത്യലോകേ।
യത്കാല കല്പക്ഷയകാരണം ച പുനാതു മാം തത്സവിതുര്‍വ്വരേണ്യം॥ ൮॥
യന്മണ്ഡലം വിശ്വസൃജാം പ്രസിദ്ധം ഉത്പത്തിരക്ഷാ പ്രളയ പ്രഗല്ഭം।
യസ്മിഞ്ജഗത്സംഹരതേഽഖിലം ച പുനാതു മാം തത്സവിതുര്‍വ്വരേണ്യം॥ ൯॥
യന്മണ്ഡലം സര്‍വ്വഗതസ്യ വിഷ്ണോരാത്മാ പരം ധാമ വിശുദ്ധതത്ത്വം।
സൂക്ഷ്മാന്തരൈര്യോഗപഥാനുഗമ്യം പുനാതു മാം തത്സവിതുര്‍വ്വരേണ്യം॥ ൧൦॥
യന്മണ്ഡലം വേദവിദോ വിദന്തി ഗായന്തി തച്ചാരണസിദ്ധ സങ്ഘാഃ।
യന്മണ്ഡലം വേദവിദോ സ്മരന്തി പുനാതു മാം തത്സവിതുര്‍വ്വരേണ്യം॥ ൧൧॥
യന്മണ്ഡലം വേദവിദോപഗീതം യദ്യോഗിനാം യോഗ പഥാനുഗമ്യം।
തത്സര്‍വ്വ വേദം പ്രണമാമി സൂര്യം പുനാതു മാം തത്സവിതുര്‍വ്വരേണ്യം॥ ൧൨॥

namaH savitre jagadekachakShuShe jagatprasUti sthiti nAsha hetave|
trayImayAya triguNAtma dhAriNe| viri~nchi nArAyaNa sha~NkarAtmane|| 1||
yanmaNDalaM dIptikaraM vishAlaM ratnaprabhaM tIvramanAdi rUpam|
dAridrya dukhakShayakAraNaM cha punAtu mAM tatsaviturvareNyam|| 2||
yanmaNDalaM deva gaNaiH supUjitaM vipraiH stutaM bhAvanamukti kovidam|
taM devadevaM praNamAmi sUryaM punAtu mAM tatsaviturvareNyam|| 3||
yanmaNDalaM j~nAnaghanaM tvagamyaM trailokyapUjyaM triguNAtma rUpam|
samasta tejomaya divyarUpaM punAtu mAM tatsaviturvareNyam|| 4||
yanmaNDalaM gUDhamatiprabodhaM dharmasya vRRiddhiM kurute janAnAm|
yatsarva pApakShayakAraNaM cha punAtu mAM tatsaviturvareNyam|| 5||
yanmaNDalaM vyAdhi vinAsha dakShaM yadRRigyajuH sAmasu saMpragItam|
prakAshitaM yena bhUrbhuvaH svaH punAtu mAM tatsaviturvareNyam|| 6||
yanmaNDalaM vedavido vadanti gAyanti yachchAraNa siddha sa~NghAH|
yadyogino yogajuShAM cha sa~NghAH punAtu mAM tatsaviturvareNyam|| 7||
yanmaNDalaM sarvajaneShu pUjitaM jyotishcha kuryAdiha martyaloke|
yatkAla kalpakShayakAraNaM cha punAtu mAM tatsaviturvareNyam|| 8||
yanmaNDalaM vishvasRRijAM prasiddhaM utpattirakShA praLaya pragalbham|
yasmi~njagatsaMharate.akhilaM cha punAtu mAM tatsaviturvareNyam|| 9||
yanmaNDalaM sarvagatasya viShNorAtmA paraM dhAma vishuddhatattvam|
sUkShmAntarairyogapathAnugamyaM punAtu mAM tatsaviturvareNyam|| 10||
yanmaNDalaM vedavido vidanti gAyanti tachchAraNasiddha sa~NghAH|
yanmaNDalaM vedavido smaranti punAtu mAM tatsaviturvareNyam|| 11||
yanmaNDalaM vedavidopagItaM yadyoginAM yoga pathAnugamyam|
tatsarva vedaM praNamAmi sUryaM punAtu mAM tatsaviturvareNyam|| 12|

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