Monday, October 01, 2018

meet and depart....

meet  and depart....
एकवृक्षसमारूढा नाना वर्णा विहङ्गमाः।
प्रभाते दशसु दिक्षु तत्र का परिवेदना॥
चाणक्य नीति
ekavṛkṣasamārūḍhā nānā varṇā vihaṅgamāḥ|
prabhāte daśasu dikṣu tatra kā parivedanā||
cāṇakya ṇiti

Another poignant reminder from Chanakya
Birds of feathers with different colours and of myriad species all flock togher in the branches of the same tree duing night..
But come the morning, they would fly away in differenct directios, to come back again or not..
What is there to regret about it.. ?

The couplet portryas a very deep truth of life with a very simple example..
When we are all enjoying and sharing the company of one another, we somehow presusme that such togetherness is for ever.. And often when some of the company depart, we feel the void too.. 
It is not we can help feeling sad about it.. 
But if we realize that no status in life, no situation in life is permanent, and that change is the only truth of life, our deep sorrow and disappoint can be assuaged very much

Another message the idea can coney is that we should celebrate and be happy in the company of our near and dear, and make use of such togethersness in the best way, because, after a period, there would be separation, perhaps for ever, and it is not of any use to regret then of what has alreday been lost.

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