Monday, December 24, 2018

falls short of perfection...

गन्धं सुर्वर्णं फलमिक्षुदण्डे नाकारि पुष्पं खलु चन्दनेषु।
विद्वान् धनाढ्यो नृपतिश्चिरायुः धातुः पुरा कोऽपि न बुद्धिदोऽभूत्॥
gandhaṁ survarṇaṁ phalamikṣudaṇḍe nākāri puṣpaṁ khalu candaneṣu|
vidvān dhanāḍhyo nṛpatiścirāyuḥ dhātuḥ purā ko'pi na buddhido'bhūt||

Even the most intelligent and resourceful people,
although they happen to be divine, 
often commit blunders, 
and are of inadequate skills..

Here the poet is pondering about such defects and inconsistencies in the creations of Brahmadeva himself..

Brahma created gold, but failed to add fragrance to it along with its brilliant lustre..

Brahma created sugarcane with sweetness stored in great quantities in its stems.. but failed to think of having a fruit for the plant.. How sweet such a fruit must have been?

Brahma created the sandalwood which produces great aroma 
and adds to the beauty of all who adorn themselves with its paste, but sandal tree was never blessed with the luxury of having flowers.. Just think how attractive such a flower would have been?

Brahma created great scholars and teachers who enriched the life of all around them with their deep knowledge.. 
But he never gave prosperity to them.. 
It is their fate always to be poor and in want..

Brahma created kings and princes and endowed them with all the wealth and comforts of their kingdom.. 
But long life is never the part of their fate..

It would be exasperating to think who gave Brahma such half baked ideas for his creation

This is a chatusloka.. in circulation among people.. 
exact authorship seems to be attributed..

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