Sunday, December 30, 2018

fundamentals not to be overlooked

सन्ध्यातिक्रमणं यस्य सप्तरात्रमविच्युतम्।
उन्मत्तदोषयुक्तो वा पुनः संस्कारमर्हति॥ 
sandhyātikramaṇaṁ yasya saptarātramavicyutam|
unmattadoṣayukto vā punaḥ saṁskāramarhati|| 

I read in many texts, and on too many occasions, and many scholars and elders also asserted that if a person who is expected to do the worship of Sandhya as per the scriptural dictate , he should perform it as a duty.. and more than deriving benefits from the worship of Sandhya, if there is a failure to perform the ritual at proper time and in the proper manner, there is the sin of Omission.. or pratyaavaayam.. 
Many things in life are like that. 
The parents taking care of their children, the children caring for their parents and so on..
There is no particular punyam arising out of such duties.. 
But if we fail to stick to such duties, there will be danger waiting for us..

Today after a long search, I stumbled upon a pramanam.. or authoritatative instruction in that subject..

The instruction given by sage Saunaka 
The slokam is given at the top

If a person overlooks to do worship of Sandhya continuously for a period covering a period encompassing seven nights,
Or if he has been afflicted by inebriation or madness caused in any manner( either through drugs or beverages, or by illness) 
then he would become eligible for normal activities in the spiritual way only if the Samskaras.. the purificatory and introductory rites are perfomed on him once again from the start..
This can mean that such a persons will have to be purified by doing prayaschittams and then undergoing all the Samskaras from Jatakarama onwards..
This is the background that leads to the conclusion that a person who has broken the Sandhya vow for seven days continuously should have his upanayanam once again, if he is to become eligible for the normal duties in a vedic way...

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