Wednesday, December 26, 2018

one after the other....

सङ्गात् संजायते कामः कामात् क्रोधोऽपि जायतेone
क्रोधात् भवति संमोहः संमोहात् स्मृतिविभ्रमः
स्मृतिभ्रंशात् बुद्धिनाशः बुद्धिनाशात् प्रणश्यति॥
saṅgāt saṁjāyate kāmaḥ kāmāt krodho'pi jāyate
krodgāt bhavatu saṁmohaḥ saṁmohāt smṛtivibhramaḥ
smṛtibhraṁśāt buddhināśaḥ buddhināśāt praṇaśyati||

a quote from Gita..

from attachment by mere contact arises a sense of lustful desire
from desire for possession and intimacy arisess destructive anger
from rage, arises a state of excitement that makes one forget the realities..
and from such excitement one is led to lose of all his sense of propriety
and losing of good sense leads to loss of ones faculty to think and evaluate situations and respond to them rightly
And that state would lead to his own annihillation..

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