Monday, December 31, 2018

Rama and Sita.. as the young couple in Ayodhya..

Rama and Sita.. as the young couple in Ayodhya..

The concluding part of Balakandam of Valmiki Ramayanam gives a glimpse of the life of Rama and Sita just after their marriage.. and starting their life as a couple in Ayodhya..
In a few slokas, Valmiki is perhaps presenting a study as to how a young couple passionately devoted to one another could live a life of bliss..
A model shown by the divine couple, pretending as just a young prince and princess..

After return to Ayodhya after the skirmish with Parashurama, Rama settled in Ayodhya with Sita . He assisted the his father the Emperor in discharging his royal duties.. Rama always acted according to the orders of the king.. He discharged his duties according to the Dharmic principles, and his actions were always for the benefit of the Emperor and the subjects, and also brought great happines for them

Rama attended with great alacrity and devotion the matters which concerned his mothers.. Kausalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra. ( In fact, once Dasharatha reached Ayodhya with his four sons and daughters in law, Kaikeyis brother and the uncle of Bharatha, the prince of Kekaya was waiting to take Bharatha to his own kingdom.. and Bharatha left for Kekaya with his bother Shatrughna, and Rama was virtually the son for all the three mothers.. especially since Lakshmana cared for no one other than his brother Rama.)
And he served his preceiptors Like Vasishta through proper attention and with due reverence, and timely service.

Emeperor Dasharatha was very happy about the activities of Rama.. The brahmins, the citizens, and all dependents in the kingdom adored Rama

For the King, and the subjects, Rama was just as adorable as Lord Brahma who by his efficiency and affection in his creations was dear to all living beings everywhere.

For many seasons, Rama lived happily with Sita.. He was so dear to Her as if he was residing for ever in Her mind and heart.

Sita was very dear to Rama because of her affection and care for Him.. But she was all the more adorable because she served with devotion her father in law the Emperor. And through her character and the beauty and attractiveness in her form and action, she just stole the heart of Rama more and more as the days passed.

Rama and Sita knew the hearts of each other as if they were fused with one another into one entity.

For Sita, her husband was adorable doubly. They understood and conversed and discussed things in utter unison and in agrrement.. Also each of them could know what transpired in the mind of the other even without and exchange of ideas through words or actions.

The daughter of Janaka, the Maithilee was as graceful and attarctive as Mahalakshmi and other goddesses.. It looked as if she would excel even Lakshmi and other goddesses in her grace and qualities.

With that graceful princess always in his company, Rama spent his days in grace and splendour, as if He was another Vishnu the lord of Gods, in the company of mother Lakshmi

From Balakandam of Srimad Valmikiramayanam.. Chapter 77

पितुराज्ञां पुरस्कृत्य पौरकार्याणि सर्वशः।
चकार रामो धर्मात्मा प्रियाणि च हितानि च॥२९
मातृभ्यो मातृकार्याणि कृत्वा परमयन्त्रितः।
गुरूणां गुरुकार्याणि काले कालेऽन्ववैक्षत॥३०
एवं दशरथः प्रीतो ब्राह्मणा नैगमास्तथा।
रामस्य शीलवृत्तेन सर्वे विषयवासिनः॥३१
तेषामतियशा लोके रामः सत्यपराक्रमः।
स्वयंभूरिव भूतानां बभूव गुणवत्तरः॥३२
रामस्तु सीतयासार्द्धं विजहार बहूनृतून्।
मनस्वी तद्गतस्तस्या नित्यं हृदि समर्प्पितः॥३३
प्रिया तु सीता रामस्य दाराः पितृकृता इति।
गुणद्रूपगुणाच्चापि प्रीतिर्भूयोभ्यवर्द्धत॥३४
हृदयं चैव जानाति प्रीतियोगि परस्परम्॥३५
तस्याश्च भर्ता द्विगुणं हृदये परिवर्त्तते।
अन्तर्ज्जातमपि व्यक्तं आख्याति हृदयं हृदा॥३६
तस्य भूयो विशेषेण मैथिली जनकात्मजा।
देवताभिः समा रूपे सीता श्रीरिव रूपिणी॥३७
तया स राजर्षिसुतोऽभिरामया
अतीव रामः शुशुभेऽतिकामया
विभुः श्रिया विष्णुरिवामरेश्वरः॥३८
piturājñāṁ puraskṛtya paurakāryāṇi sarvaśaḥ|
cakāra rāmo dharmātmā priyāṇi ca hitāni ca||29
mātṛbhyo mātṛkāryāṇi kṛtvā paramayantritaḥ|
gurūṇāṁ gurukāryāṇi kāle kāle'nvavaikṣata||30
evaṁ daśarathaḥ prīto brāhmaṇā naigamāstathā|
rāmasya śīlavṛttena sarve viṣayavāsinaḥ||31
teṣāmatiyaśā loke rāmaḥ satyaparākramaḥ|
svayaṁbhūriva bhūtānāṁ babhūva guṇavattaraḥ||32
rāmastu sītayāsārddhaṁ vijahāra bahūnṛtūn|
manasvī tadgatastasyā nityaṁ hṛdi samarppitaḥ||33
priyā tu sītā rāmasya dārāḥ pitṛkṛtā iti|
guṇadrūpaguṇāccāpi prītirbhūyobhyavarddhata||34
hṛdayaṁ caiva jānāti prītiyogi parasparam||35
tasyāśca bhartā dviguṇaṁ hṛdaye parivarttate|
antarjjātamapi vyaktaṁ ākhyāti hṛdayaṁ hṛdā||36
tasya bhūyo viśeṣeṇa maithilī janakātmajā|
devatābhiḥ samā rūpe sītā śririva rūpiṇī||37
tayā sa rājarṣisuto'bhirāmayā
atīva rāmaḥ śuśubhe'tikāmayā
vibhuḥ śriyā viṣnurivāmareśvaraḥ||38

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