Sunday, December 30, 2018

tit for tat

कृते प्रतिकृतिं कुर्याद्धिंसने प्रतिहिंसनम्।
तत्र दोषो न पतति दुष्टे दुष्टं समाचरेत्॥
समयोचितपद्यमालिका द २४
kṛte pratikṛtiṁ kuryāddhiṁsane pratihiṁsanam|
tatra doṣo na patati duṣṭe duṣtaṁ samācaret||
samayocitapadyamālikā da 24

a great and satisfying quote from Samayochitapadyamalika

If some wrong is done to us, it is right to retaliate.. If someone causes physical pain or distress to us it is not wrong to give back in the same coins.
No sin arises from such retaliation.
Evil and cruelty   have to be met with evil and cruel actions, too often..

It is interesting to note that non violence and tolerance has been recommended as a matter of courtesy and good will..
The platitudes that it is great to be non violent and tolerant at all costs is nice to read and even talk of while lecturing..
But that idea should not be capitalized by the evil and discourteous fellows to attack and destroy the fair and good people..

But in reality people who are peace loving are often trapped by such glib words and they tolerate many things .. in life and in family..

Of course, it is better not to retaliate if we are sure that we are not likely to succeed.. But even there we can wait for the right opportunity and strike back.

We find such brutes in social media too.. Thy troll, they verbally attack gentlemen, they treat the calm people with disdain.. and often get away with it..

Where we have to use teeth for smiling we can do that..
When we have to use the teeth for biting, we should not hesitate and smile..
That is a great lesson

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