Thursday, January 03, 2019

come dawn come dusk

दिनयामिन्यौ सायं प्रातः, 
शिशिरवसन्तौ पुनरायातः।
कालः क्रीडति गच्छत्यायु-
स्तदपि न मुञ्चत्याशावायुः॥१२॥ 
Dinayaaminyau saayan praatah
sisiravasanthau punaraayataH 
kaalaH kreedathi gachchatyaayuH 
tadapi na munchatyaashaavaayuH

The days and nights,
dusks and dawns sunsets and sunrises, 
autumns and springs return again and again... 
the time is playing its game of hide and seek 
and the life is getting spent. the age advnces. 
but the yearning to hold on to life never leaves us
(from Shankara's Bhajagovindam)

Of course the urge to cling on to life at any cost..
even when the phycal system is getting weake and the mind is hazy , is so natural..
If that desire were not there, living beings would not survived at all.. But then the charm of life is not in just lving on..
but one should live in such a way that he should leave som traces which will live on and on after he is dead and gone..

Then he does not die..He becomes eternal

Gandhi, Kalidasa, Krishna, Jesus, and many such personages were like that..( That list is very long)

And only if the Grace of God is with us, we can live, and survive..
Worship, praise, and bow before that Govinda.. Krishnann

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