Saturday, January 19, 2019

crisis is the test...

मित्रस्वजनबन्धूनां बुद्धेर्धैर्यस्य चात्मनः।
आपन्निकषपाषाणे नरो जानाति सारताम्॥
सुभाषितशतके २-२०
बन्दुस्त्रीभृत्यवर्गस्य बुद्धेः सत्वस्य चात्मनः।
आपन्निकषपाषाने नरो जानाति सारताम्॥
mitrasvajanabandhūnāṁ buddherdhairyasya cātmanaḥ|
āpannikaṣapāṣāṇe naro jānāti sāratām||
subhāṣitaśatake 2-20
bandustrībhṛtyavargasya buddheḥ satvasya cātmanaḥ|
āpannikaṣapāṣāne naro jānāti sāratām||

The same subhashitam with minor variations found in an antholology of wise saying... and the classical childrens story Hitopadesham. by Narayana Pandita..
may be one can find some slightly alterred variant somewhere else too..
But the message conveyed is clear and loud..

A man could really test the worth, utility and sincerity of the following only after testing them through rubbing on the touchstone of danger..
( We use the jasper touchstone to test the quality of Gold)
The objects subjected to such tests are
1. Friends 2. Close relatives 3. Kin and associates 4. Own resourcefulness 5. Own courage 6.. Females 7. Servants and employees

If the persons and qualities as listed above stay with a man when he faces dangers and helpls him to have some benefit then they are useful.
Otherwise, they are just empty words..

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