Monday, January 28, 2019

dignity to be maintained at any cost

वनेऽपि सिंहाः मृगमांसभक्षिणः
बुभुक्षिताः नैव तृणं चरन्ति।
एवं कुलीनाः व्यसनाभिभूताः
न नीचकर्माणि समाचरन्ति॥
vane'pi siṁhāḥ mṛgamāṁsabhakṣiṇaḥ
bubhukṣitāḥ naiva tṛṇaṁ caranti|
evaṁ kulīnāḥ vyasanābhibhūtāḥ
na nīcakarmāṇi samācaranti||

The lion, the king of the forest, always would have for its food the meat of wild animals like deer .. 
In forest, the lion might face difficult situations too. 
And in the forest, more grass is available than meat.
However, the lion, even if in desperate conditions would not take grass for food.

Just like that a thoroughbred person born in a respectable family would never perform lowly deeds just because he is in difficulties or is overcome by sorrow..

A subhashitam.. from unclassified collection.. Looked nice..

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