Sunday, January 06, 2019

do not laugh do not cry..

विपत्तौ किं विषादेन संपत्तौ हर्षणेन किम्।
भवितव्यं भवत्येव कर्मणामीदृशी गतिः॥
vipattau kiṁ viṣādena saṁpattau harṣaṇena kim|
bhavitavyaṁ bhavatyeva karmaṇāmīdṛśī gatiḥ||

A precious gem from Subhashitaratnaakaram... or the ocean of subhashitams..
What is use of getting too much dejected when one is challenged by dangers and difficulties?
Nothing special is going to happen if a persons shows off and rejoices when he becomes wealthy and lucky.

What is ordained, what is decided by fate at any point of time would happen that way..
In fact the results of our own actions are just following the path of fate..

Life is like a cartwheel..
The rim of the wheel presses the ground at various points and the point of contact varies continuously..
The same point which was touching the low ground would be placed in the highest point after half a rotation..
Again it will come down and touch the earth..
Happiness and misery, affluence and poverty, all come to us in cycles..
So it is meaningless to feel elated and arrogant when we have things in our favour and we need not get completely depressed when there are setbacks..
The sun sets, again to rise..

Of course there are some practical issues also..
If we are lucky and well placed at some point of time and we try to show off our position, irritate others and use our advantage to cause prejudice to others who are not lucky at that point of time, we will have to face kicks and blows when our own luck shows a low point.. If we behave with cordiality and concern and are helpful to others when we are in a position of advantage, surely there will be some helping hands reaching us when we are in distress.

And if we lose our mental balance and get depressed when we face difficulties, our problems will get worse.. Maybe with some optimism and stoic resistance to bad luck, we may get over the situation sooner of later..
Word analysis
विपत्तौ when challenged by dangers विषादेन किं is there any purpose served by getting sad and depressed?
संपत्तौ when fortune and affluence arrives
हर्षणेन किं is it of much use if we are excessively happy? भवितव्यं what is to happen or what is ordained
भवति एव will surely happen
कर्मणां for our attempts and endeavours
ईदृशी गतिः भवति this is the result..

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