Saturday, January 19, 2019

each one is having his distinct identity..

मुंडे मुंडे मतिर्भिन्ना कुण्डे कुण्डे नवं पयः।
जातौ जातौ नवाचाराः नवा वाणि मुखे मुखे॥
muṁḍe muṁḍe matirbhinnā kuṇḍe kuṇḍe navaṁ payaḥ|
jātau jātau navācārāḥ navā vāṇi mukhe mukhe||
meaning of this traditional subhashitam

For each human body atop which a separate head stands, the though process is different and distinct
For each pit or reservoir the water collected tastes different
For each class of people there are different traditions and practices
For each different mouth and tongue, there will be a different voice..

Yes, each person will have a mind of his own.. and his thoughts will not be identical with those around him.. But then unity and amity in thought wherever possible alone can make the social life possible and tolerable.

Each reservoir of water may contain water with different tastes. But the water should not be polluted, toxic.. and should not breed pests and mosquitos.

Each class of people will have their own tradition.. but it should be ensured that such traditions do not alienate them from others.

Yes, the timbre and tone of the voice produced by each mouth is different.. But then there should be some sort of rules in forming words and voices.. Otherwise, there will be chaos and noise pollution..

Variety is the spice of life..
But spice makes food tasty in moderate quantities..
And spices in excessive quantities can scald the tongue and burn the stomach..

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