Sunday, January 06, 2019

five great treasures...

शीलं शौर्यं अनालस्यं  पाण्डित्यं मित्रसङ्ग्रहः
अचोरहरणीयानि पञ्चैतानि अक्षयो निधिः॥

śīlam śauryam anālasyam pāṇḍityam mitrasaṅgrahaḥ
acoraharaṇīyāni pañcaitāni akṣayo nidhiḥ||

शीलम् ones character
शौर्यम् boldness, valour
अनालस्यम् lack of laziness, capacity to work hard with perseverance
पाण्डित्यम् knowledge acquired through thorough and sincere study 
मित्रसङ्ग्रहः collection of friends
अचोरहरणीयानि not amenable to being stolen
पञ्चैतानि these five
अक्षयो निधिः treasure which can never dwindle or get spent

The following is the bunch of five treasures if possessed by a man, which cannot get exhausted or spent
1.One's personal conduct and ethics , spotless character
2.One's valour, lack of fear, positive attitude
3.One's capacity to hard work, one's capacity never to say quits
4. The knowledge one has acquired through thorough and sincere study
5. The group of sincere friends one possesses..

This wealth, once acquired in good quality and quantity too, cannot be stolen by thieves, pilferers looters or arsonists

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