Wednesday, January 16, 2019

musings 52

We all know the Story of Satyvan and Savitri..
The story is about how Savitri underwent great austerities and saved her beloved husband Satyavan from the clutches of the death God,, Yama.. through her tact, erudition and perseverence..
The story unravels in the Vanaparva.. also called Aranya parava in the epic Mahabharatham .. and the chapters relating to the Savitri episode are called Pativrataamaahatmya Parva.. meaning --the saga of glory of the lady who existed for her husband.. in all chastity and sincerity..

The final boon requested of the Death God by Saviti .. which was finally granted too was

वरं वृणे जीवतु सत्यवानयं यथा मृताह्येवमहं पतिं विना ३-२९८-५३
न कामये भर्तृविनाकृता सुखम् न कामये भर्तृविनाकृता दिवम्
न कामयेभर्तृविनाकृता श्रियं नभर्तृहीना व्यवसामि जीवितुम्॥ ३-२९८-५४
महाभारते आरण्यपर्वणि पतिव्रतामाहात्म्यपर्वणि॥
varaṁ vṛṇe jīvatu satyavānayaṁ yathā mṛtāhyevamahaṁ patiṁ vinā 3-298-53
na kāmaye bhartṛvinākṛtā sukham na kāmaye bhartṛvinākṛtādivam
na kāmayebhartṛvinākṛtā śriyaṁ nabhartṛhīnā vyavasāmi jīvitum|| 3-298-54
mahābhārate āraṇyaparvaṇi pativratāmāhātmyaparvaṇi||

Oh Lord of death, I seek the following boon from you.. May my husband Satyvan be restored to life..
I am as good as dead if I am deprived of my beloved husband
I do not want any material comforts to be enjoyed if Iam deprived of the live company of my husband
I do not want even heaven with all its greatness if Iam deprived of the live company of my husband
I do not want any wealth if Iam deprived of the live company of my husband
I do not propose to live if my husband is taken away from me..

Of course, the utter faithfulness and deep affection carried the day..

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