Wednesday, January 09, 2019

once wrong..wrong ever

यथा हि मलिनैः वस्त्रैः यत्रकुत्रोपविश्यते।
व्रततः चलितोप्येवं शेषं व्रतं न रक्षति॥
yathā hi malinaiḥ vastraiḥ yatrakutropaviśyate|
vratataḥ calitopyevaṁ śeṣaṁ vrataṁ na rakṣati||

A man whose clothes have become already dirty would not mind going around and sitting on unclearn surfaces.
Just like that if one has deviated from his solemn vows and resolves, he would not care to keep and protect his promises subsequently..

When we wear freshly made or even freshly laundered clothes, we would take great care to keep it clean.. and even would make a lot of fuss about the clothes getting dirty.. But if the clothes get dirty by chance, then our vigil and anxiety about keeping them clearn just vanishes.. We would hardly care about further blemishes.. 
It is all the more relevant when it comes to our character and steadfastness to virtues.. One will make all honest attempts to save the purity of his character and good name .. But when one succumbs to temptations and circumstances and the character is tarnished even a little, then his eagerness to salvage whatever is left behind would not be there at all..

This may be because, one is called dirty and condemned whether he is partially dirty or whether he is mired in muck

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